Part 13.

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The front door of my trailer burst open and I could here shuffling from the door.

"Cheryl? Babe where are you?" Toni yelled, opening ever possible door. When she got to the bedroom she looked distraught, her eyes red and bleary and her cheeks puffed.

"I'm so sorry Cheryl, I'm so so sorry" 

She repeated this for a while. But I couldn't say anything. 

She lay next to me, close enough to be comfortable but far enough apart that I didn't feel invaded.

We shut ourselves in and spoke to no one. Jughead came by that Sunday. I couldn't tell if he wanted to talk about it or put it out of his mind but he came nonetheless, hot chocolate and movies in hand. I think he knew I needed a distraction.

We shut our phones off and stayed together. These people were my family, more so than Penelope and Clifford ever were.

Returning to school seemed daunting. I didn't want to see anyone that was there that nigh. Leat of all Veronica. She was friends with that monster. 

"I want to press charges" I said, speaking for the first time since that night. 

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Toni said, staring blankly.

I couldn't believe it. My own girlfriend wasn't supportive. She must be right I mean, it was my fault. Right?

"No, I don't know. Maybe its not a good idea..."

At school things continued as normal, nobody knew what had happened except for the people there. But every time I made eye contact with Archie I could see his heart break just a little bit.

"Hey Cheryl, wait up!" I heard the strapping gingers voice call as I was exiting our Biology class, "I wanted to check up on you, see how you're doing."

"I'm fine!" I said, putting on my best fake smile. "All good, seriously. Already moving on."

Disbelief was clear in is eyes, but the last thing I needed was a fucking pity party. Come to think of it, a lot of people didn't realize I was a Blossom. Maybe he didn't know Jason was my brother. I hoped I could keep it that way for as long as possible.

I tried to stay on my own that day, observing from afar as Toni, Fangs and Jughead seemed to seamlessly  adapt to life on the Northside. Jugs and Betty seemed to be getting closer and Fangs and Kevin seemed awfully flirty. I didn't know how I fit in anymore. Especially with the way Toni and Josie were with each other. 

I didn't deserve them. That much was clear. But I wanted to.


A/N: Double Update! Thanks for all the support with this story! I've got lots of ideas and hopefully this story will continue to grow.

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