Part 14.

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Archie was growing on me. Although at first he reminded me of Jason and that was all he was for me, his true personality started to reveal itself. He was loyal and caring. It was almost as if he thought it was his duty to protect everyone around him, even if he barely knew them.

"Did you guys hear that Jason's body was found?" Kevin asked as he sat down at our table.

"What, really?" Toni asked, playing along.

I stayed silent, observing.

"He was found with a gunshot wound to the head. They're now treating this as a homicide." Kevin stated matter-of-factly.

Curiosity go the better of me and I shot a glare at him which must have seemed completely unwarranted and random, "how do you know all this?"

"Kevin's dad is the Chief of Police." Betty answered, her voice soft and languid.

"Come to think of it Cheryl," Archie exclaimed, deep in thought, "you actually look a lot like Jason"

Toni gripped my hand a little tighter under the table.


I felt on edge, around everyone. I had figure out that none of them knew who I was, least of all who I was related to. It must have been unfathomable for them that a Blossom was a member of the Southside Serpents. 

If I could avoid this information coming out, I would. By any means necessary.

I decided I'd ditch the last two periods that day and ride down to Sweet Water River. I missed JJ a lot and his stupid voice. The last time I saw him he was in trouble, he wouldn't tell me what. It must have had something to do with drugs because he'd been frequenting the Ghoulies hangout a lot that past month. Still, I thought I was the last person to see him alive but that can't be true now. All I knew was that whoever put that bullet in his head is gonna pay.

We were so different back then... It wasn't even that long ago, but it was before Toni and everything changed the day I met her.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard another motorcycle pulling up behind me, I turned around to see Jughead taking off his helmet and putting his beanie back on.

"How'd you know I'd be here?" I asked, stepping away from the guard rail.

"I heard about Jason, figured you had too. Betty is determined to find who did it, and I am too." He sounded hesitant when he mentioned Betty, as if he thought I may lash out or scream at the call of her name. "She doesn't know you're a Blossom. I don't think any of them do."

I took a sharp breath. "Thanks Jug." I thought carefully about my next few words, scared of coming across the wrong way. "Juggy how do you trust these people? It feels like every time I walk down the hallway somebody's going to expose me or blame me for his death. And Betty's sister was dating  him Jug! Their family hated him!" I felt the tears start streaming down my face, but I couldn't stop the words from coming out. I had bottled them up far too long. "How can I ever be myself when I'm this loveless monster with a psychopathic mother, a shady father and a dead brother? Even Toni's sick of me!"

Jughead looked shocked, "That can't be true Cheryl, she loves you! More than anyone else in her life that's for sure."

"She's flirting with Josie. She thought I was overreacting with Nick. I just- I don't know" All I wanted at that moment was for her to hold me. Ever since Jason, Things had been weird with us

Jughead pulled me into a warm embrace. This kind of thing was difficult for him. For both of us. Jughead and I were not particularly emotional people, and were especially not encouraged to be from our parents. He had always tried though. There was something to be said for someone who always tries. No matter how hard it could be. I remember thinking that Juggy and Archie could be good friends. Hell, if it wasn't for circumstance Jugs could have been best friends with Jason. 

We drove back to Sunnyside Trailer Park with a new sense of finality. I needed to do something, and I needed Toni back. 

I was deep in thought about how I could possibly phrase to Toni what I needed her to hear when my phone started ringing. I got a fright immediately because it had been a custom tone which I'd only set for a few people. I got off my bed and walked over to my desk where my phone had been charging.

Upon reading the caller ID I almost fainted. I dropped my phone and stared blankly at it as it fell. Its LED display still brightly dispaying the caller's name.

Sweet Pea is calling you



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