Part 17

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I parked my Bike two streets over and started to walk. I figured Betty's parents wouldn't be quite so thrilled if they saw a group of Serpents in their house and their bikes outside.

It seemed like Fangs and Toni had the same idea as I saw them walking towards the house from the opposite direction.

"Ah nice to see a friendly carpool" I said, nudging Fangs "But if you make a move on her I will end you Fogerty"

he laughed. "No doubt about it Bombshell. Shall we?" He extended his arm like a gentleman and escorted us both up to the house. Betty opened the door in a pale blue sweater with her hair tied up as usual.

"Welcome!" She squealed excitedly, giving us each a hug.

We walked through the threshold each equally in awe of the building. The Cooper residence was the epitome of the 'White Picket Fence' American Dream that was so prevalent in the 1920's.

Jughead stood up from his position on the floor and came to greet us as Archie and Veronica continued chatting in the corner.

"I'm so glad you're here" Jughead whispered as he hugged me. All of us were wearing our Serpent skins and could see that it make the others mildly uncomfortable.

Kevin appeared from a room beyond and eyed us up and down. "Do you guys not own other jackets" he joked. Not realizing that most of us didn't.

Josie got up from the couch she was seated on and walked over to our group. I was so not used to this kind of social life. Before transferring to Northside all we ever did was chill at someone's house or hang out at the White Wyrm if one of our friends was working. Every now and then we'd do a bike race or some long trip with our Bikes but that wasn't often.

"Oh My god! love your shirt!" Josie said approaching Toni, "Blondie is so retro!"

My stomach twisted seeing them so friendly.

Jughead saw the devilish glare in my eye and spoke up abruptly, "Board Games anyone?"

"Ooh yes! We have Cluedo, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit and 30 Seconds!" Betty offered quickly.

"30 Seconds sounds good" Kevin shared a glance with Fangs and the teams were secured.

Betty and Jughead

Kevin and Fangs

Archie and Veronica

which left Toni, Josie and I.

"I think I'll sit this one out..." I was met with disingenuous complaint as I stepped out toward the kitchen.

I fiddled with my phone hoping Sweet Pea might try to make contact again.

All at once the giggling from the living room halted and I heard hushed voices aggravate each other. I walked Through the open entryway into the area where everyone had previously been seated. Only now nobody seemed relaxed and everyone was standing up.

"What are you doing here?" Betty asked. Her body blocked the doorway making it impossible to see who she spoke to. All I saw was blonde hair.

The figure pushed past Betty and into the corridor in open view of the group. I stood motionless. It was Polly Cooper.

"You!" She yelled, making a bee line for where I was standing. "What happened to him! What happened to Jason!?"

"How the hell is she supposed to know!" Archie yelled back, stepping forward amidst the chaos.

"You-you don't know?" her voice was smaller now. "Tell them. Tell them who you really are."

Their heads turned to me seemingly all at once and the familiar and overwhelming feeling of anxiety began to take hold of me. I fought it back, I had to stay stoic in this. They could be who did it.

"What does she mean Cheryl?" Kevin prompted.

"Jason was my brother. Twin brother actually. I'm a Blossom."

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