Chapter 17 Deathly Numb

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I hadn't noticed that I was keeping my eyes shut. Hikari blinked. It was dim outside. I was standing still. I thought it was dawn. Then I realized, that I was alone. I quickly turned around. The jail, the building, everything was gone. Nothing was behind me. Everything that was just there, is all gone. My friends, they were just by my side. We escaped together... We were free! I looked down to my hands. The black gloves were gone, replaced by my old outfit. I griped my hands together. Axel, Xion, Roxas, Namine, and Riku. Will I ever reunite with them? Or will I forever be ripped further apart from everyone.

Why do these things keep happening? I looked down. Sora... I just had him in my arms. And now, the darkness has its grasp on him. Everything we've done, everything we have gone through. Only to fall back into this reality of lies. The portal. We thought it would lead us into the light, but it just pulled us deeper in. They didn't have to listen to me, to follow me, to help me. But now, they've just been abducted again. I feel like, all I did for them, was let them down. But, if they didn't listen to me, they would still be trapped in that jail.

My hands looked so empty now. What is my purpose anymore? If I can't keep anyone around me safe. I stared at them blankly. Why am I the only one left, why do I have to be kept alive to suffer everyone's loss?!

I stood back up. What is this place? Where am I? I was on a sidewalk, that has been covered by the sand. Houses lined the street. I looked up. A permanent cloud hung above, blocking the light from the rising sun. Trees swayed violently in the wind, the only noise that broke the silence. Not a single soul was to be seen. These buildings, this must be, Sand Dune City. My home, I finally made it home.

I took a step forward, only to feel a burning pain. My tired legs collapsed under me. I fell to my knees. I caught myself from falling any farther. I saw the scars from my left leg ran all the way up to my arm. from the darkness before. The wind blew and sand pelted my face. It felt like needles hitting my skin. Just forget the pain. I've felt this before, its not as bad. I, just have to get home.

I pushed myself off the sandy ground. I stood up and stumbled onward. I made it to the center of town. The buildings became taller, blocking the bridge and water nearby. Still, no one was to be seen. This place felt wrong. It isn't truly my home, even if it looks like it. Everything feels dead. I heard a rumble, I looked up to the sky. The clouds began to become darker, and started to swirl.

Then there was a sharp pain in my heart. I reached up and clenched my shirt. Trying to stop the pain. It feels, worse than before. I couldn't breath. I started to waver. My leg and arm went numb. I couldn't feel anything anymore. It felt like I wasn't even myself. It won't be much longer, soon I might be gone completely.

I felt my necklace under my shirt. I held onto it, feeling its warmth spread through my hand. Giving me the last hope I needed to continue on. A reminder of them. This place is not my home. My home is where my friends are. I need them in my life, and they need me. I must go on, to see them once more. Before I'm gone, I don't know what will happen to me then. I might never return back to these worlds. Never wake up again. But where is this? What is my real reality to wake up to? Would I ever make it out? Is there even a way anymore? It's crazy, to try and think about...

The darkness is trying to penetrate my heart, it's already there. Now it's wearing me down until I can't hold on any longer. I looked up, I could see the path leading to my house. I held onto my arm and shuffled forwards. The sky progressively worsened, like my fall to darkness.

I slowly made it out of town, following the trail through the trees to my home. As I made it up to the door, lightning began to flash. I reached up to the handle and turned the knob. It was unlocked. I pushed it open and stepped in. Inside the house was dark. I looked around. Nobody is home. Of course no one is, I'm the only one left in this place. Where ever this is, deep within these dark realms. It would be silly to call out, you just never know what type of monsters could be lurking here. I closed the door behind me, blocking the roaring wind from outside. I decided to look around. I felt sadness here. It feels wrong being the only one, it was never like that before.

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