Chapter 13

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We eat the rest of our meal while talking about our lives. Tess tells me about the Republic and how well they've been doing. In return, Eden and I fill her in about our lives in Antarctica. Throughout all this I notice how quiet June is. She only speaks when someone asks her a question.

I wish Eden and I could've gotten something for her birthday. I may not remember her that well but she still deserves something. I make a mental note to myself to get something, no matter how small, for June.

"So how long are you guys staying in the Republic?" Tess asks. Out of the corner of my eye I see June tense up at the question.

'She's anxious to hear the answer,' I think.

"3 days." Eden replies.

"Today, tomorrow for the interview, and then the day after to do some exploring." I add.

"Who knows, we might be back for good if I get this job." Eden says. June perks up at this. I can see a hint of a smile forming on her lips.

After we finish eating, we sit and talk for a few minutes. Then we all rise. Tess gives me and Eden a hug as we say goodbye. "See you tomorrow, hopefully." She says. Then she goes to June and hugs her. "Happy birthday!" Tess says again. Soon Pascao and her leave.

"Well, I better get going." June starts turning away.

"Wait." At the sound of Eden's voice she stops. "We'll meet up again, yeah? Before we leave?" He asks.

She looks surprised at this but manages a nod. "Uh-yea. Definitely."

"Then I guess we'll see you soon." Eden says with a smile and she returns it. She's so beautiful when she smiles. Her eyes give out a glow that's not normally there.

"Bye." She says and starts walking. Somehow, it just doesn't seem right to let her leave without saying anything.

"Happy birthday!" I call after her. June turns around and gives us a smile.


Eden and I stand there for a while, watching her silhouette disappear. "You know she really is beautiful." Eden says, nudging my arm.

"Shut up." I say and playfully punch him in the shoulder. Then we turn and head down the street, towards our temporary apartment.

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