Chapter 15

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The sun shines bright today. I suppose that is a good sign, today being Eden's interview and all. He's up early to go through his portfolio, to make sure all his papers are there. I sit around, watching him shift through his things, frantically looking for items and muttering to himself. A few times I tell him to stop and relax, but eventually I give up. He's in his own little world, and I'm just wasting my breath.

His interview starts at ten, and at nine-thirty he leaves.

"Good luck, and try not to worry." I say, closing the door after him.

Now that I'm alone, I start wondering about what I could do to pass the time. As I'm thinking of ideas, the phone rings. "Hello?" I pick up on the second ring.

"Hey Daniel. It's Tess." The other end says.

"Oh, hey Tess."

"Listen, I was wondering if we could meet at my apartment for lunch. Are you and Eden free then?"

"I don't know. It depends on what time Eden's interview ends at." I say.

"Oh." I can practically hear the disappointment in her voice. "Well call me as soon as you know ok?" She says.

"Sure. Bye Tess." I hang up.

Just then my stomach growls. With a start I realize that I haven't had breakfast yet. No wonder I'm starving. I grab my coat and head outside.

I wonder the streets until I end up at a small cafe. I can smell the rich scent of coffee even from outside. I push open the door, and a small bell rings, announcing my entrance. It's a cozy restaurant. One wall is lined with plush benches. Another has small round tables surrounded by chairs. There is a table in front of both windows, a perfect spot to sit and watch the world outside. I can see that already this cafe is crowded. The line at the counter is so full I can barely make out the barista, hustling back and forth, pouring drinks and working the register. I join the line.

While I'm waiting I look around at the people. Many of them are workers, and a small handful look as if they're just here to chat and enjoy the morning. And then my eyes come across someone that makes my heart stop, makes me forget about everyone else in the room. There, sitting by the window, decked out in her full commander's uniform, is June.

"Next!" The barista calls, bringing me out of my thoughts. I step forward, and her eyes go wide. "Oh my god, you're Daniel!" She exclaims.

"Yeah, hey." I say and she blushes. I've gotten used to this now, I get it all the time from women.

"What would you like?" she asks, and a hint of flirtation layers her voice. I order a bagel and a small coffee, ignoring what is so obvious. While I wait for my food I glance over at June. Her body is tense and I can tell that she's seen me.

"Here's your order." The cashier says, smiling at me. When I begin to pay, she waves me off. "Don't worry about it, Day." She uses my old street name and gives me a coy smile. Oh brother. I manage to hide my annoyance by giving her a quick smile. Then I take my food, and make my way towards June.

"Hey," I say when I reach her.

"Hey." She looks up at me and my heart does a somersault. Sitting here, basked in the sun's rays, June is radiant. Her skin and eyes are glowing, and when she smiles at me, I melt, knowing that it's just for me. Jesus, what has gotten into me? I'm falling for a woman I haven't seen for ten years, and who I'll only be with for three days. I'm setting myself up to get hurt big time. I know this is a bad idea, but then again, I never did listen to my brain when it came to my heart.

"Mind if I sit here?" I ask, pointing to the seat in front of her.

"Sure, go ahead." June replies.

I sit down and smile at her. She looks down at her food, shy, and I have trouble keeping myself from lunging across the table and enveloping her in a kiss. Good gracious, what's wrong with me. I try to push the last thought out of my mind and focus on something else. I still haven't forgotten about her birthday present, but I have no idea what to get. I decide the only way to figure that out is to get to know her a little better. So I dive right in.

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