A Dreaded Day

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"Thomas? Thomas?" Patton waved his hand in front of Thomas's face.

"Huh? Oh sorry.." Thomas muttered and looked down at his suit. "Do I have to wear this?"

"Yes. It is only befitting." Patton was using his magic to wipe off the crown Thomas would be wearing and kept making alterations his suit.


"Ah, ah no buts." Patton accidentally poked himself with a needle. "This is your royal coronation. You must you look your very best." He put a band aid on his finger.

"Patton, I don't see why I have to. Shouldn't the peasants know their real ruler?" Thomas said and looked down at Patton.

"Their real ruler? And who might that be?" Patton chuckled.

"A prince who wears sweatpants and watches Fairyflix." Thomas answers confidently. Patton rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but that won't do. Your mother would agree with me." Patton said solemnly. Thomas sighed deeply.

"She was a great ruler you know." Patton commented. Thomas breathed out heavily

"I know.." Thomas drifted off. Patton stood up and placed a mirror in front of him.

"You'll be just as good, maybe even better. Cause guess what?" Patton smiled and put his arm around Thomas's shoulder.

"What?" Thomas asked looking at the reflection.

"You reflect your mother. So much." Patton smiled and hugged Thomas.

"You also have us." Logan had entered with Roman and Virgil. Patton smiled sweetly at them.

"And you look dashing!" Patton said trying to bring up the mood. Thomas chuckled softly.

"Thanks guys." Thomas smiled then it disappeared.

"What is it Thomas?" Roman asked stepping forward.

"What if I'm not as good as them?" Thomas stood in front of a tapestry sewn for him and his family. It had Thomas's proud father and loving mother. Thomas a happy boy below the two proud and amazing rulers.

"You will be." Patton put him hand on Thomas's shoulder. Logan smiled softly.

"Come on! We have a party to plan!" Roman laughed and pulled Virgil.

"Roman!" Virgil squeaked but fell after Roman. Logan grabbed Patton's hand. Thomas walked beside the two.

The castle was covered in velvet drapes and the family's royal symbol. Thomas sighed seeing his father's crown. Patton put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

Logan was writing stuff on his clipboard. He was telling servants to get the plates set on the table and the flower coordinations to be perfect. Patton would sometimes get worried for Logan.

"Logan hun, take a break. I'll take it from here." Patton kissed his cheek and took the clipboard.

"I don't know where we'd be without Patton." Roman said walking up behind Logan. Logan turned around and smiled.

"Me either." Thomas was pacing by the throne. Virgil walked over to him.

"Hey, why so much anxiety?" He asked. Thomas breathed out heavily.

"There's not only gonna be billions of people here... but suitors too." Thomas sat on the throne with a huff. Virgil chuckled.

"It'll be fine Thomas. Patton will be extra picky though." Virgil admitted.

"The castle will be surrounded by my army tonight just in case of some unwelcome visitors." Virgil told Thomas after a quiet second of silence.

"Yes, thank you Virgil." Thomas sighed and looked at a picture of his father.

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