A Curse

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A few days had past since Joan had gone missing. Thomas had tried his best to forget but Joan kept coming back to his mind. Patton had been helping Thomas take care of the village problems, until another servant came to Patton and Thomas while they were studying.

"Your majesty! Three other people from the village has gone missing and the well had a strange symbol on the top of it!" The servant panicked. Patton stood up, his dress gently moving as his body did.

"Calm down, take Thomas to the village with Virgil. I'll fetch Logan and Roman." Patton said calmly and walked to Logan's study. Thomas followed the servant and collected Virgil when outside. The rode in a carriage down to the village. People were in havoc and seeing their King seemed to calm them.

"It happened last night sire." A villager said. Indeed the well was still intact but the top was ripped off. Patton arrived with Logan and Roman. Girls giggled at Roman's presence.

"He's so hot." One said and Virgil felt his stomach lurch. Thomas looked over at Patton who came forward.

"Magic." Patton felt the air over the top of the well. "This was torn off by magic, dark magic." Patton said and looked back at Logan. Logan stepped forward and looked at the symbol.

"Danger.." Logan said quietly. Patton's eyes filled with fear.

"You don't think it could be-"

"Oh I know it is." Logan gently took Patton's arm and pulled him aside.

"He payed me a visit in the library last night. He's broken free." Logan said quietly but was severely alarmed. Patton looked at his hands.

"This can't be true. I banished him!" Patton looked back up at him concerned.

"I know, that's why I'm so concerned." Logan said hurriedly, then he turned to the citizens.

"Please remain calm. We'll get this fixed I promise." Logan said calmly. He turned to Patton. Patton was shaking slightly but tried his best to hide it.

"Come on. Let's go." Logan helped a shaking Patton into the carriage.
Thomas and Virgil got into theirs and Roman accompanied Patton and Logan.

"What was it?" Roman asked curious as to why Patton looked so paranoid. Logan sighed deeply.

"Deceit is back." Logan said and Patton breathed in shakily. Roman looked at Logan and then winced.

"You're kidding." Roman felt his scar act up. He pulled up his sleeve. A white scar across his arm. Logan sighed and made him cover it again.

"This time he's weak. He has to gain more power." Logan answered and grabbed Patton's hands.

"I-I don't w-want him to h-hurt you guys." Patton whimpered and started tearing up. Logan hugged him close.

"He won't touch us. I promise." Logan said softly to Patton. Roman put his head in one of his hands. His scar was throbbing.

Thomas was breathing shallowly and freaking out. Virgil noticed this and put his hand on Thomas's.

"Hey breathe. It'll be okay." Virgil looked Thomas in the eye. Thomas nodded but was still shaky.

"Listen, you're the King. You can do anything. This is one thing. You have us behind you always. Just take deep breaths." Virgil reassured him.

"Thanks Virgil." Thomas was still feeling huge amounts of anxiety. They pulled up to the castle and the five of them went into the castle. They all met in the dining room to have a meeting. Logan has called it because he needed to speak to everyone.

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