The Witch

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Logan woke up and looked around him. "Patton?" He asked and then everything came back to him. His breathe hitched in his throat. Logan got up and got dressed slowly. He was sulking, not only about himself but about the loss of touch from his lover. He made his way to the dining room. Roman and Virgil and Thomas were already there talking about something random, when Roman looked up.

"Hello Logan!" Roman said and smiled. Virgil looked up but then his face dropped. "Logan, are you okay? You look like you just got back from hell." Thomas quickly stood up and rushed over to Logan.

"I'm okay Virgil I promise." Logan sighed and smiled weakly. Roman stood up too and walked over to them.

"Where's Patton?" Roman asked and Logan's face went pale. Virgil looked over Logan's face, concerned.

"Logan, are you okay? Logan?" Virgil walked over and shook Logan but to no prevail. He had completely stopped responding. Roman looked over at Virgil.

"Patton's in trouble!" Roman screamed and Logan finally snapped out of it.

"Patton?! Where is he?!" He sorta fell over and then Roman caught him. Virgil looked at him concerned. Thomas sighed.

"I'm fine.. I'm sorry." Logan breathed out heavily. Virgil glared and forced him to sit down.

"What happened to Patton?" Roman asked sitting across from him. Logan hesitated before sighing.

"He was attacked, by Deceit." Logan explained everything that happened. Virgil's face had dropped and Roman ended up hugging Logan. Virgil was looking at his hands at the end of the conversation. Thomas was looking at Virgil the whole time.

"Virgil, what's wrong?" Roman looked over at him. Virgil looked up blushing.

"Nothing." Virgil's voice cracked. Roman walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Virgil gasped lightly and blushed.

"You know you can tell us anything." Roman reassured. Virgil shook his head and ran to his room. Logan looked up and then back down. He was weak, unbelievably weak.

"Logan, you should go rest. I'll talk to Virgil." Roman said and helped Logan back to his room. Thomas followed and retreated to his room as well. Logan laid down but picked up a book instead.

"Virgil?" Roman knocked on Virgil's door. Virgil felt his breath hitch in his throat. He didn't answer the door.

"Virgil please." Roman knocked again but to no prevail.

"If a good time is what you want, I can give it to you pretty boy." Deceit materialized in front of Roman. Roman staggered backwards. He unsheathed his sword and held it out in front of him.

"What do you want Deceit?" Roman glared at him and Deceit laughed.

"Roman you never fail to entertain me. Besides, Virgil has no sexual experience." Deceit purred and Roman held him against the wall with his sword to Deceit's neck.

"I don't want him like that." Roman hissed. Deceit laughed.

"I know when someone is lying sweetie." Deceit hummed. Roman looked at him.

"You love him and you're too afraid to admit it. You're afraid he'll make you weak, like last time." Roman felt tears collect in his eyes. He took the sword from Deceit's neck and backed up. Deceit smirked.

"That's a good boy." Deceit disappeared and appeared behind him. Roman felt his sword yanked from his hand and pressed against his back.

"Now be a good little boy and let daddy in." Deceit purred. Roman winced and tried to resist him.

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