The Prisoner

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Patton felt as though he was falling forever until he finally hit the floor with a 'thud.' He got up slowly and brushed himself off. Patton looked around the empty room surrounding him until he felt something latch onto his leg.

"What the-" Something grabbed his arm and he was jerked to the ground. He looked at it and it was a snake. It's fangs were bared and venom dripped from it's fang and onto Patton's skin. He screamed in anguish and cussed loudly.

"TAY! YOU BASTARD!" Patton screamed out and a chuckle was heard.

"Tsk, that's not the obedient Patton I remember." Tay emerged as the snake slithered up his staff. Patton felt paralyzed in the position on the ground. He was kneeling and knew where this was going.

"You're a twisted fuck." Patton snapped now angry. Tay chuckled again and gripped Patton's hair harshly.

"I'm the king now pretty boy." Tay said with a voice so low it'd send shivers down spines. Patton tried to move away from him but was paralyzed.

"Leave my friends alone. You promised." Patton looked up at him; anger burned in his eyes.

"Beg." Tay smirked and gripped his hair tighter. Patton held back a whimper and spit into his face. Tay let go of him and wiped his face.

"You did this to them Patton." Tay disappeared leaving Patton on his knees. He was so exhausted and empty.


Logan felt as though he was paralyzed just as Patton was. He didn't know that of course. The citizens were mindless puppets now and Virgil was on the ground heart broken. Virgil felt something inside him push him up.

"We need make a plan. Tay needs to be destroyed." Virgil felt energy surge through him and looked at Remy and Logan.

"What do you suggest we do?" Logan crossed his arms now emotionless. Remy looked at Logan worriedly.

"I say we set up camp. Find all the allies we can." Virgil took Roman's sash and tied it around his waist. It was his only reminder of his true love.

"Where are we gonna find allies? Everyone here is mindless." Remy said fidgeting with his hands. Virgil paced a little and snapped. Logan looked up and his eyes were glazed over.

"We go to the closest person we can. Talyn." Virgil suggested. Remy shook his head.

"No horses." He commented and Virgil thought for a second.

"The stables!" Virgil started running to the ranch and Logan snapped awake and followed him. Remy raced after them and disappeared and reappeared laughing in delight. Logan smiled slightly seeing Remy. Virgil was determined.

"Be quiet and hustle." Virgil whispered and hurried to his horse. Shadow was trapped in the stall and Virgil opened the door.

"Hey girl." Virgil smiled and Shadow whinnied in approval. He put the halter on Shadow and lead her out. Logan has his horse and Remy was having trouble calming his. Virgil approached the horse and get ran a hand down it's snout softly. It instantly calmed and Remy stared in awe.

"Come on. We need to go." Virgil mounted Shadow and the three sped away, Virgil leading the group.

They approached Talyn's hut and Virgil dismounted Shadow. The hut looked in shambles. Virgil ran in.

"TALYN?!" Virgil said alarmed. The hut was thrashed and the ingredients were scattered across the floor.

"TALYN?!" Virgil called again and pushed stuff out of the way. He found them tucked into a cupboard. Talyn had a cut lip and a black eye.

"T-T-Tay was h-h-here." Talyn muttered. They looked horrible and Virgil helped them out of the cupboard.

"You're safe." Logan walked in and pocketed a gem on the ground. Remy watched him skeptically.

"We need your help. Patton turned himself in. Do you have any idea of how to beat Tay?" Virgil said softly. Talyn shakily pointed to Virgil's heart.

"There's your answer." Virgil shook his head. Talyn nodded.

"I'm not.."

"You are Virgil. You were chosen at birth to put an end to Tay." Talyn said and hugged Virgil.

"I have faith in you. I do." Talyn said softly and pulled away. Virgil teared up and sighed shakily. He nodded and smiled best he could.

"Go. Save Patton and destroy Tay." Talyn kissed his cheek. They smiled and Virgil breathed in.

"How do I destroy him?" Virgil said hurriedly before they left.

"You'll know when you get there. Just believe in yourself." Talyn waved their hand and disappeared. Virgil felt like he was holding his breath

"Come on guys. Let's go." Virgil mounted Shadow. Logan and Remy followed suit and they started to trot home. Virgil was thinking hard. How in the whole wide world was a little village boy kill an almighty sorcerer? Something snapped him out of his thoughts. A figure ran across their path. Virgil stopped and got off of Shadow.

"Virgil get back on the horse." Logan demanded. Virgil followed the figure and stopped after he lost him.

"Hello?!" Virgil called and was tackled from behind. The figure held a knife to Virgil's neck.

"Answer me you little prick, are you one of Tay's puppets?" The figure snapped.

"W-what?" Virgil answered and the knife pressed more into his neck making him wince.

"YOU HEARD ME!" The figure screamed.

"Virgil?!" Logan called and the figure got up into a ready stance. Logan walked up to them.

"Joan?" Logan asked confused. The figure put their knife down.

"Logan." Joan took off his hood and put his knife away.

"Why are you here?" They asked and Logan helped Virgil up.

"We were searching for help from a certain sorcerer. How are you alive?" Logan asked calmly. Virgil was floored.

"I thought you were dead." Virgil said slowly. Remy was still on his horse being slightly entertained by this.

"Deceit took me as his prisoner. I escaped as if a miracle." Joan shifted on their feet.

"I haven't trusted anyone this whole time but I can trust you guys." Joan said and sighed.

"We're going back to the village. We need to find a way to get into the castle." Virgil said with confidence. Joan's eyes went into shock.

"There's no way you'd get out alive!" Joan exclaimed and Virgil sighed.

"I just need to get in. I have to kill him even if it kills me." Virgil said and Logan stepped up.

"You're not gonna die." Logan said sternly and Virgil nodded. Joan sighed.

"I have a way in but you have to promise me something." Joan said and Virgil nodded.

"Save Thomas, bring him to me. Don't let him get hurt." Joan pleaded; his eyes gaining tears.

"I will I promise." Virgil said with a tenderness in his voice.

Virgil got onto Shadow and rode off with Logan and Remy behind him.

Tay opened his eyes. He was eavesdropping on these 'heroes.'

"SUCH PESTS!" Tay snapped and it echoed through the halls. Deceit hissed and curled into the shadows.

"Hm, maybe I need a different approach." Tay paced a bit and then smirked. He walked down to the dungeons.

Tay waved his hand and the cell door swung open.

"Hello, Roman."

A/N You're welcome👉🏼

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