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Thomas woke up the next morning. He rushed down to the kitchen and hummed happily. Logan was reading a book passing Thomas and was surprised when Thomas twirled around him.

"Someone is in a remarkably good mood." Logan chuckled and closed his book. Thomas only hummed the song him and Joan waltzed to last night.

"Patton! Thomas won't answer me!" Logan called and Patton appeared in the kitchen. He then smiled at Thomas.

"Leave him alone Logan. He's in love." A servant came scurrying up to Patton. He whispered into Patton's ear. He rushed off with the servant.

"Oh, god." Logan muttered and Virgil had came down. He rubbed his eyes.

"Morning everyone. What did I miss?" Virgil asked looking at Logan's concerned face. Logan tried to breathe.

"Nothing much, Patton was called away. Help yourself to some breakfast." Logan offered and went back to reading his book.

Roman came downstairs. His hair was perfect after had just slept and Virgil blushed when he came down. Thomas was still humming to the song and spun Virgil around.

"O-oh!" Virgil fell into Roman again. Roman smiled.

"We really need to stop meeting like this." He smiled and Virgil blushed again. Thomas sat down at the table.  Logan, Virgil, and Roman joined him. Logan was still reading his book. They all were eating breakfast when a worried Patton came in. He looked up and smiled trying to cover up the stress in his eyes. Logan squinted looking at Patton.

"Talk, now." Logan got up and took Patton's hand and pulled him into the kitchen.

"What happened?" Logan asked and looked into Patton's eyes. Patton looked away from Logan not wanting him to see the panic in his eyes.

"Nothing." Patton lied and sniffled. Logan rolled his eyes.

"Patton, I can see right through you. Come on." Logan asked and kneeled a little to make eye contact with Patton again.

"It was the person that was with Thomas last night. He's missing. Disappeared this morning." Patton said and Logan put his hand on his forehead.

"He's gonna be heartbroken." Logan sighed and hugged Patton. Patton pushed away from Logan's grasp.

"We aren't telling him." Patton said harshly and quiet.

"Patton we have to." Logan said to and pulled Patton close to him. Roman walked into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Roman asked looking over the two parent like figures.

"Nothing!" Patton answered almost immediately.

"The person Thomas was with last night went missing." Logan said and Patton groaned. Roman's jaw dropped.

"Don't tell Thomas." Patton pleaded to Roman.

"Patton if we don't tell him he'll be angry and depressed. He doesn't need that after just becoming king." Roman explained to Patton. He looked down sadly.

"Okay, let me tell him." Patton solemnly walked out of the kitchen. Thomas had finished his dinner and looked up at Patton.

"Pat, what's wrong?" Thomas asked and rushed to his side. Patton sighed deeply.

"I have some bad news Thomas." Patton said and took Thomas's hands in his hands.

"Patton..." Thomas looked at him concerned. "What happened?"

"The person you were dancing with last night-"

"Joan? Oh they're wonderful." Thomas smiled happily. Patton sighed deeply.

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