Old Friend

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"It's all over Patton. Give up." Deceit said to Patton. They were both in a dark realm. Everything was black and empty.

"Never! We will destroy you!" Patton said angrily. Deceit laughed.

"Once Tay arrives there will be no stopping me." Deceit disappeared and Patton woke up in the real world.

The entirety of the kingdom's subjects eyes had turned a horrible yellow. Virgil felt his hope start to weaken but he refused to give up.

"Give up you so called heroes! You're time here is numbered!" Deceit growled and smirked with glowing eyes. Deceit put his hands together and made a dome around the village and castle, pushing Patton, Logan, Virgil, and Remy out. They all stumbled and fell back watching the dome form.

"What the hell is that?!" Remy said standing up looking at the dome.

"It's a barrier." Patton touched the dome. It shocked him and he quickly retracted his hand in pain.

"He has Thomas!" Logan said angry now and pounded the dome getting shocked.


"LET ME OUT!" Thomas banged on his door over and over but fell down when the door was opened.

"Come with me." Deceit grabbed his arm and forced him up. Thomas looked at Deceit's hand and ripped away from him. He started running down the hall and tried to go to the door. He was almost there until he was harshly grabbed by a guard and pulled to the ground. Thomas winced and tried to get up but was restrained by a snake who was dangerously close to Thomas's neck.

"Disobey me, and this snake gets an early dinner." Deceit hissed and Thomas was forced to follow him. They came to a room with a horrible sight.

Candle circled around a dreadful symbol. A pentagram. Thomas's stomach lurched and he wanted to turn and run.

"Sit. Now." Deceit said and Thomas went and sat in the middle of the pentagram. He wanted to sob and scream for help. Deceit opened a book and started saying things. They went from whispers to mumbles to regular
speaking to yelling. Thomas felt his consciousness slip and felt something take over him.

Pink smoke swirled around the room and from the ground emerged a figure. They were tall and lanky but bold and big. Their eyes glowed pink and their hair as if fire.

"I'm back world." Tay said brushing himself off. Deceit bowed and looked up at Tay.

"Welcome back your majesty." Deceit said in a low voice. Tay smirked and looked over at Deceit.

"Ah, yes. My most faithful servant." Tay walked over to him.

"It's been so long." Tay smacked him and Deceit staggered.

"Too long." Tay growled and Deceit rubbed his cheek.

"What have you even been doing? Have you killed Patton?" Tay looked down at his clothes in disgust.

"No m-master." Deceit mumbled and Tay filled with anger.

"You lied to me then? You said you'd kill him." Tay said with such a tone in his voice, Deceit's heart fell to his toes.

"I d-didn't. I'm sorry." Deceit mumbled and tried to keep his composure. Tay's face turned red for a second and then it turned back to normal.

"That's alright. Come with me." Tay lead Deceit to the balcony.

Patton gasped seeing Tay and Deceit emerge onto the balcony.

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