Witch Doctor

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A/N omg I love this song

Patton and Virgil had decided to find Picani on foot. Virgil watched at the forest passed by them making sure no one was following them.

"So what's Dr. Picani gonna do for us?" Virgil asked a little confused. Patton looked focused forward.

"He'll help us find a way into the castle." Patton flinched hearing a boom. Virgil turned and saw Logan's tower burst into flames.

"No.. No!" Patton screamed and crumbled to his knees. Virgil fell beside him.

"He's not dead, it's just Tay trying to get to your head." Virgil said softly to Patton. Patton was shakily breathing but nodded. Virgil helped Patton to his feet and they kept walking.

"How are we supposed to find him?" Virgil asked watching the surroundings. The last thing he wanted was for Patton to get hurt. If he had controlled magic now the least he could do was protect Patton.

"We have to summon him." Patton said and looked at a rickety, old bridge. Virgil stopped at the foot of it.

"S-Summon?" Virgil gulped looking at the bridge. Patton nodded and stepped out onto it.

"Patton that's doesn't look safe." Virgil said stepping forward a bit. Patton sighed and grabbed Virgil's hand pulling him across.

"Patton! We could've died!" Virgil said and was panting slightly. Patton nudged him lightly.

"Oh come on Virgil. You have magic now, you wouldn't let us." Patton looked like he was trying to find something. Virgil looked at him confused.

"What are you doing?" Virgil asked and Patton pointed to a bush.

"Move it." Patton said and Virgil hesitated.

"W-what?" Virgil looked at Patton, confused.

"Move it." Patton said again. He looked at Virgil with reassuring eyes. Virgil drew in a sharp breath and made the bush pull back its branches.

"Woah..." Patton said and touched it softly. Virgil looked at what he had done and looked down at his hands.

"You didn't move it... you, completely morphed it. I haven't seen this kind of magic since.." Patton trailed off and Virgil looked at Patton worried.

"Since Tay.." Patton finished his sentence and Virgil's breath hitched in his throat.

"You're kidding..?" Virgil looked at Patton confused but Patton shook his head.

"I'm not." Patton said looking at Virgil with eyes alert and almost scared.

"Come on, we haven't a moment to waste." Virgil nodded and followed Patton through the hole in the bush Virgil had created.

They emerged into a beautiful grove. Virgil admired it as fairy lights flew by and the mushrooms glowed like stars. He was quickly interrupted by a stomping sound coming near them. Patton was smiling which made Virgil wonder a bit. A huge troll stomped up to them and stood in front of them.

"Hello Garland." Patton said in an almost princess like voice. The troll smiled and bowed.

"Patton, it's good to finally see ya again." Garland responded. Virgil was in awe, complete and utter awe.

"Virgil, meet Garland, he is the protector of the mushroom that summons Dr. Picani." Virgil bowed.

"A pleasure, Garland." He said hesitantly. Garland smiled and looked at Patton.

"What do you seek oh mighty one?" Garland asked and Patton sighed soft.

"The mushroom, my lord." Patton mentioned to the grove behind him. Garland nodded and Virgil looked between the two.

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