Happily Ever After?

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Virgil's soft eyes fluttered open. He kinda flinched at the sunlight but his head turned to face a soft expression.

"Hey love." Roman said in a gentle voice. Virgil couldn't help but smile at the boys soft tone.

"Hey Ro. Are you okay?" Virgil grabbed Roman's hand softly. Roman lifted his hand to his lips and kissed his hand gently.

"Why are you asking me if I'm okay? I should be asking you." Roman chuckled softly and Virgil blushed.

"I guess it's just an instinct." Virgil giggled and sat up, about to get up.

"Hey, slowly now. You've been out for three days." Roman said and Virgil looked at Roman bewildered.

"I've been ou-out for three days?!" Virgil said and Roman chuckled. He nodded and Virgil shook his head.

"Was I really that drained? Wow. Does Patton go through this?" Virgil said and went to look out of the window. Roman joined him.

"Well, he is a very deep sleeper, yes." Roman smiled and Virgil turned to face him only to find their faces very close together. He could feel Roman's soft breaths on his lips. Virgil cupped his cheek, kissing him gently and Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil's small waist.

"I missed you." Roman said into the kiss. Virgil pulled away panting softly.

"Me too Ro." Virgil smiled gently at the taller. Roman gently took Virgil's hand.

"Should we join the others?" Roman hummed gently. Virgil nodded and looked at his closet.

"I'll be out in a second. Let me change." Roman chuckled softly.

"Of course my love." Roman walked to the door.

"Wait!" Virgil said abruptly. Roman turned and looked at Virgil a little concerned.

"Stay?" Virgil mumbled and Roman nodded.

"Anything for you my love." Roman went and sat on the bed. Virgil got out some comfortable pants and a loose shirt and put them on.

"How do I look?" Virgil joked and Roman chuckled.

"For just killing the most powerful power in the world, you seem very joyful." Roman said getting up and pulling Virgil closer to him by his waist. Virgil looked away slightly.

"What is it?" Roman tilted his head a bit to see Virgil a little better.

"I didn't want to kill him Ro. I wanted him to have a chance but he declined it. I had no choice." Virgil looked up at Roman with tears glistening in his eyes.

"Hey, you did the right thing. You saved all of us Virgil. We're all alive thanks to you." Roman said putting his thumb on his chin and his pointer finger underneath Virgil's chin. Virgil nodded and hugged Roman tightly. Roman picked up the delicate, yet fearless savior.

"Come on, I'm sure Patton will be so happy to see you." Roman said gently and Virgil only nodded. Roman carried Virgil into a very busy Grand Hall. Patton was placing the centerpieces on tables when he looked up and saw the two. He waved happily. Patton was wearing a light blue dress that was long in the back and short in the front. It was covered in soft, lace flowers with pearls for the center.

"Look who's awake." Roman said and gently set Virgil down. Patton smiled happily.

"Virgil! How are you feeling? You had a nice long three day nap." Patton giggled and hugged Virgil gently. Virgil hugged back and smiled.

"What's going on here? Why are all the servants running around?" Virgil said slightly confused. Roman grabbed Virgil's hand softly.

"We're holding a ball in honor of your victory and remembrance of Remy." Patton said happily and felt Logan's soft hand on his shoulder. Virgil looked between them.

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