Beginning of the End

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Logan quickly went to Patton. Virgil looked up at the window they once were at.

Thomas walked out of his room. His eyes red and puffy, cuts littered his wrist. Deceit was in the window and looked down on the three tiny figures.

"Virgil! A token of my appreciation!" Deceit ripped Roman's sash off and threw it out the window. Virgil ran and caught it, falling to his knees. Thomas looking at what he thought was Roman in bewilderment.

"R-Roman?" Thomas asked with a soft voice. Deceit looked at him, his eyes glowing yellow with mischief.

"Well well well, the wanna be king." Deceit laughed. Thomas looked at him confused.

"Roman this isn't you. Who are you and what did you do to Roman?!" Thomas yelled and Deceit laughed manically.

"Poor innocent Thomas. Patton kept me a secret all these years." Deceit disappeared and reappeared in front of Thomas.

"Well I'm Deceit." He started choking him. "And I'm your worst nightmare."
Thomas gasped and grabbed his wrist.

"P-please... w-where are my friends?" Deceit tightened his grip on Thomas's throat. Thomas whimpered and helplessly tried to pull Deceit's hand away.

"They're long gone. They don't care about you." Deep inside, Roman was screaming.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Roman screeched but didn't even get Deceit to flinch.

"Th-that's not true." Thomas gasped and Deceit let go of Thomas's throat. Thomas gasped in big breaths and whimpered.

"You're lucky I need you. I would've killed you right here if I didn't." Deceit growled and kicked Thomas away from him.

"Guards! Lock him in his room." Thomas watched as they pulled him away. Their eyes an awful shade of yellow.

"I have work to do." Deceit smirked and looked down in the courtyard. The three people had disappeared and Deceit smirked.


Logan was crying and holding Patton in the middle of the forest. Virgil was getting angry and pacing.

"I JUST GOT HIM! I JUST GOT HIM!" Virgil suddenly screamed; tears escaped his eyes. Patton snapped awake. A shrill scream came from him out of pure agony. Logan jumped and pulled Patton closer.

"Don't touch my friends!!" Patton screamed and then gripped Logan's shirt. His dress was torn and ruined.

"P-Patton it's okay." Logan sniffled and hugged him. Virgil looked at Patton and then felt his face go red.

"What happened between you and Deceit?! What caused him to freak out?!" Virgil grabbed Patton by his collar and Logan pushed Virgil back.

"Don't touch him like that!!" Logan yelled and shoved him. He grabbed his collar and held up his fist. Logan felt himself get thrown back and fell. Virgil fell down the ground.

"STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!" Patton screamed and started crying. Logan was thrown back by the last of magic Patton had left in him.

"THIS IS WHAT HE WANTS!" Patton fell on his knees. He sighed trying to compose himself. Logan looked at Virgil.

"I'm sorry." Logan got up and helped Virgil up.

"I was mad.. I just.. I just got Roman and n-now he's gone." Virgil felt tears cloud his vision. Patton hugged him tightly.

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