Rise Up

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Tay was sitting on his throne. The snake that was Deceit slithered up to his feet. The castle seemed to get darker and darker everyday. A horrid yellow hue glowed from the windows. The kingdom was poisoned and the poison was only spreading.

"Is Roman back where he belongs?" Tay said with venom in his voice. Deceit only nodded and slithered up Tay's staff.

"Good boy." Tay said and stroked Deceit's head.

"The young warrior is close, I can feel him." Tay said closing his burning magenta eyes. Deceit looked around the room as if confused.

"Patience my snake." Tay smirked; his eyes truly burning now.

"Virgil and Patton will die. I will be sure of it. Logan will be mine and Roman will be hung by the neck." Tay's smirk turned into a horrible smirk.

"I'd like to see him.. struggle." Tay started laughing menacingly. Deceit bore his fangs slowly before closing his mouth again.

Virgil and Patton appeared before the doors of the castle. The golden magic that once surrounded the two faded. Patton looked at Virgil, his face prominent with fear.

"It'll be okay. We'll save everyone I promise. Tay can't touch you if you use your magic." Patton hugged him gently.

"Stay strong Virgil. Roman and Logan and Thomas are depending on you." Patton said kissing his head. Virgil looked at the castle.

"I know I'm strong. I know I can beat him. I just don't want any of you to die." Virgil said looking at the doors.

"We won't, I'll keep Roman and Logan safe. Thomas, well, that's a different story, but trust me." Patton said giving a smile of reassurance. Virgil smiled back and blasted the doors open with a purple blow.

"Let's go beat this son of a bitch." Virgil said with new found confidence. The two walked inside. The darkness consuming them as the doors were slammed behind them. Virgil sorta flinched but kept walking.

"It's nothing.. nothing like our castle." Patton said softly, quietly. Virgil looked around seeing the burning hallways that once were grand and light up. Patton bit his lip to prevent from crying as they emerged into the once Grand Hall.

"Welcome to Hell!" Tay bellowed from the throne. He stood up as Deceit was now a man. Virgil stood in front of Patton in a protective stance.

"Let my friends go." Virgil said angrily. Patton looked at the twisted stairs that lead to some other hell.

"This is between me and you." Virgil said looking at the poisonous character before him.

"Tsk Virgil, I haven't had my fun yet." Tay smirked and waved his hand. Patton was in a cage. Virgil looked back at Patton then at Tay.

"Logan darling.. would you come down here?" Tay said making direct eye contact with Patton. Logan emerged from the staircase Patton was once staring at. He looked broken, tired. Logan's once handsome features were covered in cuts and bruises. He stood beside Tay, not even trying to defy him.

"LOGAN! LET HIM GO! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" Patton cried and tried to break out of the bars. Virgil ran at Tay but was thrusted back against Patton's cage.

"I'm not done yet!" Tay snapped which shook the castle and made Logan fall to the ground, trembling.

"Roman; he was a little harder to crack." Tay snapped as an unconscious Roman was on the floor beside him.

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