The Savior

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Trigger Warning: Sexual Harrassment

Virgil and Patton woke up outside of the village. Virgil winced in pain getting up and looked over at Patton.

"P-Patton. Patton wake up." Virgil shook him and Patton slowly woke up. He was so broken, his arm bleeding and his body covered in burns and bruises.

"Where a-are we?" Patton winced trying to sit up.

"Outside the castle. He has Logan and Roman.." Virgil said with a tiny bit of anger.

"I n-need to train you." Patton said suddenly. Virgil looked at him confused.

"Train? W-what are you talking about?" Virgil looked at him.

"Virgil, you're the savior. You were destined to destroy Tay." Patton explained and Virgil scoffed.

"How can I save everyone when I couldn't even save you guys? Roman is still in that god forsaken place and now he has Logan. He killed Remy, Patton! How do you expect to win?!" Virgil said in anger and punched a tree harshly. As if a blow of a god the tree fell over. Virgil staggered backwards.

"Virgil, don't you see? You have power." Patton stood beside him.

"We need to channel that. We need to help you find your inner power." Patton looked at Virgil tenderly.

"Let's go save Logan and Roman together okay?" Patton put his hand on Virgil's shoulder. Virgil nodded.


Roman woke up in his cell. He sat up breathing heavily and felt the chains on him again.

"Virgil?!" He screamed and looked across the cell. Logan laid unconscious on the floor. Roman crawled over to him and shook him.

"P-Patton." Logan mumbled and then opened his eyes slowly.

"I just knew you two would wake up. I'd be lucky if you were dead." Tay said appearing. Deceit was a snake again and Roman flinched harshly.

"Him." Tay pointed to Logan and a guard unchained him. He took Logan out of the cell. Logan tried struggling but it didn't work.

"I have special plans for you." Tay smirked and dragged him away. Logan tried struggling again but it was no use.

"You know, I've hated Patton since day one and now," Tay summoned a shock collar and put it on Logan. "You're mine."

Logan was thrown to the floor and flinched. Tay smirked and lifted Logan's chin up with his finger.

"Don't even try to defy me or else." Tay snapped and Logan screamed in agony as the shock collar shocked him.

"Now come along puppy." Tay smirked evilly. Logan winced and looked back at Roman.

"NOW!" The collar shocked Logan again causing him to collapse. He followed Tay resentfully leaving Roman alone.

Tay emerged into the throne room and sat on the throne. Logan walked into the room and started shaking but hid it.

"I belonged here a long time ago." Tay smirked and looked at Logan.

"Get on your knees." Tay smirked. Logan resentfully kneeled and looked down ashamed.

"Good boy." Tay smirked and chuckled evilly.

"I have a lot of work to do with you." Tay snapped and shocked Logan again causing him to black out.

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