Ch-1, Introduction

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7 years back

I quietly closed my bedroom door and tip toed to the back door so that I can easily sneak out of the house without my parents knowing. It was almost midnight. But Natsu pleaded me to meet him at night and I cannot say no since it was his last day here.

His parents are being transferred to another place,so they needed to move. I was sad to the infinity and back, I almost cried just knowing that he will be gone soon. No one will be there with me to disturb our neighbours, to play with me, to laugh at my drawings.

I let out a sigh of sadness and made my way towards the back door which was in the kitchen. It leads to our garden.

I saw him standing near the tree,his arms folded and he was looking down. Natsu usually climbed his way in my garden by the help of the tree. It was an old tree and my father decided not to cut the tree while we making the house.I quickly closed the door behind me without any noise and made my way towards Natsu.

"I swear if I die today,I will not leave you in peace." I said to Natsu when I got near him.

He turned towards me and gave me a toothy grin before grabbing my hand and started running in other direction. After climbing the tree, Soon we were in a area which was not too far away from my house. It was surrounded with big old trees and nothing was to be heard except for the chirping of night insects. It was very nice. Quiet and peaceful. Scary feeling was there too,since it was night but what I believed was that if we are together nothing can happen to us.

"Common follow me" I didn't even realised we were standing in front of a tree. The tree was bigger than others and soon Natsu was climbing up. I quickly followed him.

"Natsu,why are we climbing this tree? I told you if I die I will not leave you in peace." I told him with all my sincerity.

"Oh common don't be like that ,live a little" he said chuckling at my reaction.

"I will love to live if I don't fall from here" I said while looking down and quickly turned my head back up after seeing the height. I am damn scared of heights.

"Yeah,yeah. Now hold my hand and climb up" he said while sitting on a branch and then offered me a hand. I took it and sat beside Natsu.

"Natsu, what if- " but was stopped by him as he covered my mouth with his hands and pointed upwards.

There in the sky I saw millions of stars shinning the brightest. I was almost caught in my breath on seeing the view. It was simply beautiful and magestic.The way each of the star was glowing,like it own the sky.... it was magical.The visibility of celestial objects in the night sky is something which gave me a feeling which I can't describe. It gave this warm feeling,like it gave me a sense of belongingness.

I was glad that Natsu took me to this place.And sad too. I looked towards Natsu, he had a small smile plastered on his face and was very intently looking up at the sky. Like he was trying to solve something. The view was really cute.

There was nothing more to ask or say,silence fell between us, just the rhythm of our breaths that was heard.


I saw them keeping their luggage on the car, they were ready to go. I was standing on my gate watching them,my parents were not at home. They already said there goodbyes to Dragneels. They left me with Aquarius, as my care taker. I saw Natsu coming out of the house with a small smile on his face. Now to think he always has that smile now a days.

He made his way towards me,when he saw me.

"Hi" he simply said with smile. I could tell without any difficulty that it was a sad smile. I can read him very well and he can too.

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