Ch-10, Let the Games begin

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Natsu's P.O.V

You wouldn't be surprised if I told you that my first reaction was- WTF,are you okay?- but before any of these words left my mouth,Lucy gave me a face that was kind of similar to- better keep your witty remark to yourself cause she is serious. So I cleared my throat.

"I am no-one to say or choose anything. If you deserve happiness you will get it and if you don't then well you will not."

Well in honestly that was the only answer came in my mind. And other thoughts also came like-this red head has lost it, I should probably advice her a good doctor-considering I am a good person.

She didn't replied. Nope not a single word,na-da. She simply went to couch and sat down. Yep,a good doctor it is then.

I looked up to see Lucy still looking at her. Slowly her straight face change to a small smile and then she turn towards me.

"Come on, let's join them" she said motioning with her hands to follow her.

We settled down on the couch and everyone resumed to watching T.V.


As I glanced outside I noticed that the sky is already changing its colour to orange. I took in my surroundings and saw that Erza was no where to be seen,Gray was sprawled in the ground. His headed supported by the couch and his body lied limply on the floor. Everyone was sleeping.

Lastly I took in the blonde that was sleeping on me. Her head was resting on my chest,my hands wrapped protectively around her waist. A small smile made its way to my face, she was gorgeous no doubt. I softly took the hair that was falling on her face and tugged it behind her ears.

Imagine having her by my side, both of us enjoying company of each other. Imagine it all being it that Good,being that simple. But what hurts the most is knowing that it isn't. Life isn't simple for me,not for now atleast.

Life is unfair but oh well who said life should be fair?

I sighed, exhaustion clear in my voice. Honestly I was so tired. For a day I wanted to forget all my problems and worries and just relax. But that can wait until I find him.

I gently slided off her and made my way to kitchen. My throat was dry and needed water urgently. It was earthly quiet evening.

"Yo" Gray slapped my back-his way of greeting and I almost choked on my water. Well there goes quiet.

"What the hell man? Are you trying to kill me."I tried to calm my heart beat that was running fast. And looked up to see Gray eating Chips.

"May I?"

"I don't know,can you?" I shot right back.

He chuckled in response and muttered something along the line-we will see. My phone buzzed and I did not check to see from who it was as I knew the answer to that. I quickly drank water and made my way to the main door.

"Going somewhere?" Gray asked leaning on the door frame of the kitchen.

"Yeah,hope to see you catch later?"

Gray just nodded so I took the sign to leave. I made my way few blocks away from Lucy's house. Then I dialled the person's name and told him my location so that he can pick me up.

Soon I saw a black McLaren P1 pull in front of me. The door
automatically slided upward and a blonde came outside.

"Sup,bro" he said high-fiving me.

"So how's the plan going?" I asked Sting seriously. His hair was well defined spikes that were falling everywhere.

"Don't worry, its all good. Now come on let's go" he said moving back to his car. I followed him and settled down on the seat.

The drive was of 45 minutes or something. I turned on the radio letting the random song play. I was not in the mood for anything. If today everything works out according to the plan then I would be one step closer in completing my goal that is finding him.

Nobody knows what is my actual goal. Not a single soul and I had rather keep it that way. For Sabertooth I was just a new member to their gang.

We soon reached the place. Both our sides trees were surrounding us. Sting took a turn and swiftly went inside the forest. After one or two kilometres we were met by the faces of other gang members. They quickly dropped what they were doing and made their way to us. So that they can greet their leader, Sting Eucliffe.

Sting and I exited the car, everyone was standing with their hand locked behind them and waiting for Sting's command. Everyone was scared of Sting and they should because indeed Sting is a one scary man.

"You are late and I am gonna kill you" Minerva said smacking his head.

Except her.

"Count me in" Rogue shouted from somewhere. I tried to detect the path of his voice and found him sitting on a tree with book in his one hand and caressing the cat with other.

Except him too.

Sting was about to reply when he was cut short as he saw a pie coming directly towards him. But because of his good reflexes,he dodged it and it went flying and hit the other guy who was standing at the back.From the look of his face he totally didn't expected that.And that is why we should have a good reflex. We all followed to the direction where the pie came from and saw a sheepish looking Yukino.

"Oops?" She said or asked,i don't know which it was.

Dude who the hell is scared of him?

"Oops? Is that all you have to say? And what is a pie doing here? And how in the world it came flying towards me?And don't you dare say it slipped because it can't slip that hard. And you" he turned to Minerva"who in the right mind would smack and threaten their own leader? And you monkey over there" he now faced Rogue" try and kill me!" he became breathless till the last sentence.

"Pfttt" hey I was not scared of anybody so why should I control my laughter. And soon everyone followed me and started laughing.

But one stern look from Sting and everyone went quiet. Well of course beside four of us.

"We were waiting from past one hour,it was your own fault" Rouge said as he swiftly landed down from the tree,his black hairs covering his one side of the face.

"Anyway, when shall we start?" Minerva asked as she went to give tissue to the person who was covered in pie. Her long black hairs flowing gracefully as her.

"Right now. Everyone grab your weapons quick." Sting demanded as everyone quickly scurried off.

"Aye sir!" Yukino shouted from her old same position but now the plate of pie was replaced by a pistol. A knife securely rest on her shorts.

Sting smirked knowing her perfectly well. She may seem very innocent type but she is one hell of a killer. I didn't wasted anytime and went to take care of my own weapons.

Soon everyone was gathered around Sting. Each one of us armored perfectly our weapons ranging from a simple knife to smoke grande to Ak-47 .Rouge had his black cape type jacket,it may seem ordinary outside but inside it was a whole different story. Minerva looking a well defined form of a lady showing how she hid her equipments perfectly well.And lasty me, I had a simple gun. But that was enough for me. Actually more then enough.

"Everything exactly like planned. Now move!" He commanded.

I took a deep breath to steady myself. I smirked,Let the games begin.


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