Ch-7, Lost in your company

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I glanced at Natsu,who was buying us ice cream. I turned back my head and glanced up at the sky,it was beautiful as always. It was almost the time of sunset,orange lights were leaking from the gaps of the clouds. All these amazing things between us,i guess that they lost their worth that is the reason why people these days don't bother to appreciate this Beauty.

Natsu and I were currently in a park. The same park where we used to play a lot. I guess we had a lot to catch up. I was waiting for him,as he was buying the Ice cream.

I looked around the park and all the memory of past came rushing in my head and a small smile played in my lips.

"What are you smiling about?" Natsu asked while giving me my ice cream.

"Nothing,just freshning up some memories" I replied while taking the Ice cream. All the time my smile never leaving my face.

"Care if I join too?" Natsu said grinning and stood beside me, taking the tree as a support.

I turn my head back and absorbed the scene in front of me. Children's were playing,their mothers gossiping in groups. I still remember the time when we were one of them,playing in sands,swinging in slides. Few calming minutes passed.

"7 years,huh?" Natsu said breaking the silence.

I turned towards him,he was still staring ahead. A small smile etched on his lips. His hair slightly falling towards his green orb eyes.

"7 long years" I replied,almost whispered.

"I missed you" he said with intertwining our fingers and turned towards me,his eyes bored into mine,his face being reflected with orange lights of the evening. The spring winds and our hair moving in sync.

"I missed you too" I replied softly.

I have no idea how long we were staring,but soon our staring competition broke when a ball crossed between our eyes. We jerked apart due to the collision. We looked towards the ball and then towards the direction it came from,a little girl with blue hair came running towards us.

"I am so sorry!" She started apologizing with her high pitched voice.

"I really am sorry,my friend hit the ball,and it came towards you,i tried warning you by shouting but you weren't listening and I am so-"

"Hey,hey,its okay." I said while ruffling her hair.

"Thank you, I am Wendie." She said giving me her bright smile.

"I am Natsu" Natsu chuckled and gave back her ball."and this is Lucy" he said pointing towards me.

"Hey,Wendie common it's late we need to go!" A pink haired girl shouted from behind.

"Nice to meet you, I will be going now.Bye!" And with that she ran towards her pink colored hair friend.

"Let's go Luce" Natsu said while holding my hand and making his way towards the house. Our ice creams long eaten.

It was a 5 minutes walk from the park to my house. It was really a nice feeling,Natsu and I holding hands making our way towards my house. It felt surreal. I remember when we were young Natsu and I used to hold our hands when we walked towards our home,and talk about random things.

"What are you thinking?" Natsu asked glancing towards me.

Just trying to ignore the sensation I am feeling from your hands.

"Nothing,just remembering the golden times" I replied grinning.

"Gloden times?" He asked arching his right eyebrow at me.

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