Ch-9, Chick-Flick?

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As I turned around I saw Natsu standing in front of me. He was wearing black sweatpants and a white T-shirt which I gave it to him and I remember his frown while taking the clothes.His hair was a total bed hair and damn he looked good. I mean not everyone in the middle of night can look this good, especially me. If at this time there was a competition between me and and Drowzee, I would have for sure taken the prize. Yeah,drowzee of Pokemon.

"Oh, I was just going to get some water" we were currently near my bedroom so this lie made good sense. He nodded in understanding until his eyes fell on my ankle.

"Gosh,Are you okay?" He said exasperated and rushed towards me.

Confused,I followed his eyes to my ankle indeed there was cut. It was not much but it was something. Natsu instructed me to sit down and so I did. He examined my cut carefully by taking my ankle in his lap. His pink locks falling in front of his eyes. I had the sudden urge to remove his hairs in front of his eyes but the sudden pain prevented it. I hissed in pain.

"Sorry, let's get you to your room." He said standing up.

"Okay" I whispered silently not knowing what else to do.

I tried to get up but that pain really was something. I tried again but no use,the pain shot right through my leg. So I tried one last time but this time I was already up. It was because of two strong arms that was on my waist and under my knees. A gasp escaped my lips and I quickly Circled my hands around his neck to prevent myself from falling.

But this only made him chuckle.He carried me in a bridal style to my room.I hid my blush with my hairs. I was not used to this new Natsu after all.He gently placed me on my bed. I pushed myself to sit.

"Okay,where is your first aid box?" He said looking around.

"Second drawer" I instructed him. He nodded his head and took out the first aid box.

He sat on the end of my bed and professionaly cleaned the cut and tied a band-aid over it.

"Thank you" I whispered quietly as I looked at my cut."Do you think it's deep?"

"Don't worry it will be healed soon"

"You didn't come to kitchen then?" He asked directly looking towards me searching for any sign's of lie.

"No. Why do you ask?" I said with a frown in my face. Not showing how my heart just skipped a beat and now was dangerously beating or how a sweat was forming on my forehead.

He observed my face for few seconds before shrugging and said "Nothing just asking"

I nodded. Soon He was looking around my room,observing it. Well my room was nothing special really. Just some quotes Originally made by me were frammed at the walls. These thoughts were the only thing that kept me going on my everyday life.

"Nice room" he complimented while looking at the frame which said 'Be the storm they never expected'.

"Thanks" I smiled towards him.

"Well I should probably be going back to my room" he said while standing up.

"Good Night"

He nodded and was about to go when he stopped and turned towards me.

"Oh and ummm,Luce?" He asked scratching his head and looking around,his eyes not meeting mine. A smile found its way on my lips upon hearing the Nick name he gave me when we were kids.

"Yeah?" I encouraged him to speak.

"Umm.. These clothes which you gave me, these are not of your father. Right?" He quickly glanced at me and then diverted his eyes.

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