Ch-8, Stupid Vase

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Our heads snapped in a lightning fast speed towards the source of voice.My Mom,was standing there with an unknown smile on her face. I was about to push Natsu away but he beat me to it,he quickly withdrew his hand and stood up in straight and stiff position. Just like an soldier in front of his commander.

I copied his action and stood beside him. It was really funny to watch him,just now he was acting all high and mighty and now Ready to note down the command.

"Hey Mom?" I tried breaking the awkwards silence by greeting her but it came more like a question. She was never home at this time, so yeah it really had me in doubt.

She laughed at my response and made her way towards us,well mostly to be specific Natsu. All this time Natsu standing there looking at my mom with awkward smile. When mom was two steps away Natsu finally broke out of his Terrance and decided to greet Mom.

"Hello,Mrs Heartfillia" Natsu offered his hands.

"Hello Natsu" Mom replied and took her hand out to shake but at the last moment she hugged him.

Natsu's face was giving competiton to Puffer fish. My lips were quivering to bark out a laugh but I kept my mouth shut. Soon His awkward smile turned to genuine smile and he hugged her back.

Well let me tell you He was the son my mom never had. In her eyes he was next to her own child. I bet she loved him more then me. Heh,just kidding. I mean I am her child you know,she obviously loves me more... right? Never mind.

"I have seen you after so many years,you sure have grown a lot." My mom said while ruffling his hair.

"Ya,three days are so long know?" I said while shaking my head.

"Ok,Little miss Smarty pants, I get it." Mom replied.

"So what were you up to you two" mom asked making her distance to look both of us properly.

Natsu and I shared a glance asking who is gonna tell her and what. Well basically we also didn't knew what we were doing. So we both decide to go on with our own story.

"There was something in my eye"

"I accidentally slipped on her"

Natsu and I replied at the same time. Horrified we both looked at each other and then back at mom.

"I-uh- I mean something went in my eyes and umm.. he was removing it...then uh-he.....yeah,..slipped on top of me." I completed my story and looked at her.The look was anything but a believing one.

"Oh,come on mom,I am telling the truth" I tried to skip the situation and passed my mom without looking towards her to the kitchen.

"Let's eat something,come on mom cook me some of your delicious dish" I said to my mom while glancing back at her and gave her toothy smile. I made my towards the kitchen and took my seat on the small four person dining table at the corner of the kitchen.

Mom and Natsu joined me after two minutes,both entering the kitchen while smiling and talking. My mom and Natsu get along pretty well.

"Take a seat,what will you like to eat?" My mom asked Natsu while making her way towards the kitchen counter.Natsu took a seat in the chair from of me.

"Whatever you like Layla" Natsu said to mom.

My mom started her preparation and was soon busy in making dinner.Natsu and I sat together and fill in each other with our lives. Currently he was staying in a apartment with his parents until the get all the papers done so that they could shift back in their old house. Which is just in front of us. He has no friends right now but he was in touch with his friends from back in town.And currently he is going to the same school as me.

"What? But I never saw you in school?" I asked chewing the Lasagne made by my mom.

Natsu chuckled and responded with his signature smirk "Are you sure about that?"

In reply I just made a confused face which made him to continue.

"Oh,so you dont remember bumping into someone while texting on your phone?" He said while chewing his own Lasagne.

From the side view I can totally see mom raising her one eyebrow. She was sitting beside me and Natsu in front of me.

"So that was you! I knew it!" when I said that I did not miss the suprise in his eyes.

"You know right that my face was almost covered?" He said looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah,thats the only reason I kept it to myself thinking that I was crazy believing it. But I just knew at that moment it was you." I said staring back in green eyes.

"Really?" He asked suprise laced in his voice.

"Really." I confirmed his statement with a small smile not breaking the eye contact.

"Ok,children stop flirting in front of elders" my mom declared and stood up with her plate.

"We were not flirting mom" I replied and quickly stood up with my own plate and made my way towards the sink. Making sure that he didn't see the blush creeping up my neck.

We were friends who got separated and were catching up with each other. Nothing changed. But the samll part in my heart whispered that something has changed and it made my heart flutter.

I groaned and turned on the lamp beside my bed. Currently it was 2 am and everyone was sleeping. Natsu was sleeping in the guest room. I was thirsty,so I made my way towards the kitchen. As I was passing I saw Dad shoes that means he has came back late. Again. I sighed and continued my way towards the kitchen. As I was on the stairs, I heard some voices from the kitchen.

I was sure Mom and dad were currently sleeping right now. Then it must be Natsu but then again who was the other person with him. I quietly tip toed down the stairs and made my way towards kitchen. Making sure I don't hit anything or make any noise,I leaned on the wall of the kitchen so that I can clearly listen to them.

"I told you it's non of you business!" Someone whispered shouted and I think that voice belongs to Natsu.

"You are at her fucking house! Why?" The other one shouted not even trying to keep his voice low.

"Would it cost anything for you to be quiet?" Natsu whispered angrily.

"I will tell you everything tomorrow, now go!" This voice also belonged to Natsu.

Soon I heard some shuffles, I took that opportunity to return back to my own room. So that they cannot suspect that anyone was listening to them. What were they talking about? I am pretty sure Natsu told me that he doesn't have any friends current. So who was that person? Who was her they were talking about? Are they talking about me? But why?

All these questions started swirling in my head and I didn't notice the vase and my feet collided with it creating a big noice. The vase fell down and shattered into the ground.

"Shit!" I cursed my self loudly,holding my feet.

"Lucy? What are you doing here?" I heard Natsu ask right behind me.

Oh I am so gone right now,and all the credit goes to this Stupid vase. I glared at the vase and slowly turned back.


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Any idea who was the other person Natsu was talking to?

Bye see you next time!

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