Ch-6, Weekend Alone?

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I closed the door of Audi A8 Saloon,which was owned by non other then my father. My mom never really wanted a car. Dad and mom shared this car. Whereas me, I was going to buy Mercedes-Benz when I will turn 18. I always wanted the car from the day it was released. Just few months more then I will be able to buy my baby.

I made my way towards my mom who was unlocking the door and my dad was parking his car in the garage. We just returned from the dinner party, tomorrow was Saturday so I can sleep till noon. Unless no one disturbs my sleep or have a death wish.

"Mom,where are they living right now?" I asked my mom while removing my heels. My mom was already inside and was resting on the couch.

"who?" she asked facing towards me.

"Dragneels. They sold there house before leaving ,which is right in front of us." I said while glancing out of the window.

It was just like us, the outside walls were painted with the combination of red and white. It was of two floors. They had a window right in front of us. We could easily look from window and see what is happening there. As for now the curtains were dragged. There lived a couple who had a daughter of 6 years.

"Oh yeah,they are sorting some paper work. For some days they will be living in an apartment."

I nodded my head and made my way towards my bedroom and locked the door behind me. I quickly zipped out of my dress and choosed a black loose shirt and white short. I made my hair up in messy bun and went to the bathroom to freshen up. It took me 15 minutes to remove my make up and for freshening up. I quickly jumped on the bed, soon I was in my favourite world.


'Bzzzzzz.......B zzzzzz'

"Shut up" I groaned and covered my ears with the pillow.

'Bzzzzzz..... Bzzzzz'

"Stop it,you stupid alarm clock. let me sleep"

'Bzzzz.... Bzzzz'

Wait. My alarm clock never makes that sound. I shoot right up from my bed and frantically started searching for my phone. It was lying on the bottom of the bed. I quickly shoved the covers aside and threw my hands in the direction of phone.


"Who takes this much time to pick up a damn phone?" He shouted in my phone. For instance I removed the phone from my ears and checked my eardrums.

"Geez,calm down. It's Saturday morning and you expect me to wake up early?" I scoffed.

"Yeah,right. Morning."

I frowned and checked my phone. It was 12:45. I sighed, my life sucks. How can time move so fast and when I want it fast,it does the exact opposite.

"Whatever" I can feel the rolling of his eyes "Just come quickly,we are having a meeting for all the gang members."

"Yeah on my way." I replied slyly.

"For that you need to move your ass from your bed" he snorted and the line was dead.

I think the ringtone I chose for Laxus was pretty good. You know of a housefly continuously buzzing. Yeah that.

I quickly got up from my bed and made my way towards the bathroom. I chose a orange full sleeves top which ended just below my chest. I chose to wear a black wripped jeans and paired it with black boots. At last I put on a jacket which ended up on my waist.

I looked for my mom and dad but they were gone. Gone for their work. They work on every single day,maybe they are off on Sunday. Maybe. I sighed and hurried up to the door and closed it before running out. As you know I have don't have any means of transport so I just run. Yeah I can take bus but running is good for health.

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