Ch-15, Pretty Simple

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"Left!" I shouted.

"What ?!" He hit the brakes suddenly, halting the car.

"It was left." I stated while still looking at the map.

"Where is the left?!" From the side view I can see him banging his head on steering wheel.

"On the left side of course." I replied annoyed.

"Luce?" Natsu asked very calmly. That made me turned towards him. He was resting his head on the steering wheel while he was facing me.


"There's no other left."

I turned my head towards the front and turns out he was right. For a matter of fact there are no turns here. I was told I am bad with directions, should have listened before.

"Oh." That was the only thing that came out of my mouth.


"In my defense I am just telling you what my map shows." I replied shrugging.

"Yeah sure." He snorted.

I don't where are we currently but we have been driving from past one hour and yet we didn't reach anywhere. On both side we were sorrounded by grasslands.

"You are really bad in directions." He simply stated, it wasn't even a question.

"How could you say that?" I fake gasped while clutching my heart.

"I don't know but how about the fact that because of your direction we are here. A place called 'Nowhere'." He explained while starting the car engine again.

"Couldn't have come up with something better? Seriously 'Nowhere'?" I scoffed.

"No seriously, check out that board." He said pointing to the small board that was hung on the side of the road.

He is right we are actually on a place called Nowhere.

"Let's just go." I said while massaging my head.

"Sure thing." And then we were back on the road again.

After cleaning up the mess of the house we decided to take the night rest and hit the road tomorrow. I skipped school today, I was meant to go to the company but turns out I couldn't do that too. I gave a quick text to Juvia asking her to make some excuse if someone asks why I didn't come today.So here we are, have absolutely no idea to where this might lead us but still on our way to the given address.

"Let's take a break, there is cafe right there." Natsu said pointing to a small cafe at the side of the road.

"Sounds great."

Soon we were sitting inside the cafe taking fresh air as much as we can. It wasn't really a big cafe but it was small and cosy. I loved the aroma of coffee and bread that sorounded the whole cafe. There were few people besides us, it wasn't exactly deserted but it was neither crowded just prefect.

"What do you wanna order?" Natsu asked as he rested his head on his hand which was placed on the table.

"Cappuccino and bring some snacks too." I replied

"Your order my command." He replied while getting up and going to the counter.

Despite the situation it felt nice to be able to spent some time with him. This cafe was filled with people of all ages. Some teenager just like us who must be on road trip and took a short break. And the couple who were sitting in the corner table with their toddler playing with the cream of her snack. Then there was this old man who was sitting silently sipping his coffee with a small smile playing on his lips. Maybe he is thinking a very special memory he was able to make at this spot. Who knows.

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