Ch-11, Please be okay

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My eyes slowly drifted apart by hearing the water droplets hitting the window with only so much force they can muster. It was raining and it was raining heavily. It was no suprise considering it was the month of spring. I stretched my already numb body. The silence of the house followed me telling that no one is home. Me,alone. I remember me being sleepy and fell asleep on Natsu giving me a chance to relish in his warmth.

Now that I mention, I don't see Natsu around. Wasn't he supposed to spend the night here? I thought maybe he is in guestroom resting but I was wrong as I checked the kitchen and all the other rooms including Washroom but he was no where to be seen. I guess he must have gone somewhere,maybe to hang out with his friends. I hope he wasn't caught in rain.

I made my way back to my room and jumped on my bed. After a while when I got bored of seeing two droplets race with each other on window, I decided to call Mom and check on her. I dialled her number and waited for her to pick up.




But she didn't picked up,it transferred to voice message. I tried calling again but no avail. I repeated it few times but then also no answer.

I sat up straight now my full attention on the phone which was resting on my hands.It was weird. Like really,really weird this hasn't happened before. She always answered me even if she was busy or texted me. But there wasn't even a single text. It was making me uncomfortable, something was not right. After many tries when she didn't pick up I tried calling Dad.



To my surprise It was cut short in the second ring only. Something is definitely up. My heart involuntary started beating more then the normal pace. I tried calling again and again. And finally in my fourth try he did pick up. My chest was filled with relief but it didn't lasted for long.

" Dad? Is everything okay? Where is mom? She is not pick-" I was cut short as I heard a lot of muffled voiced from behind.

"Dad?" I asked worriedly.

"Lucy." He breathed out. It was almost like he was running and out of breath.

"Dad what is wrong?Dad? Dad!" The line went dead till my last word.

I started panicking,pacing back and forth in my room.Oh god what's wrong. Tears were almost at the back of my eyes, threatening to be spilled out any moment. Please don't let anything happen to them- I kept chanting this prayer. I quickly grabbed my black jacket which had cap attached to it and wore it.I opened my closet,slided the hanging clothes aside. At the back of my closet was a small sliding cupboard. It was very small,if you don't concentrate enough you would not easily spot it. I opened it and grabbed my gun, I refilled it quickly and dashed out of the house grabbing car keys in between.

I put on my cap and rushed to the car.I sat inside the car and revived the engine and rode towards dad office. My heart was thumping so loudly it felt like it will burst out any moment. I tried calming myself by saying it's gonna be alright,they are gonna be fine. But that wasn't working. But then again i also knew it was not the time to panic so I kept my thought rational.

I reached the office in a spam of five minutes whereas it normally takes 15-20 minutes. I rushed towards the reception to see Aquarius frantically making calls. All the other staff members running around like they didn't knew what to do,they were all confused.

"Lucy!" She exclaimed as she saw me. " Thank God, you are okay." She breathed out, relief flooding in her.

"Aquarius whats wrong? Please tell me." I desperately asked. If a strong and tough women like her was panicking then something was sure wrong.

"Your parents Lucy. The need help,they are in danger" she told softly like she was expecting me to burst out.

"Where are they?" My voice was barely above a whisper.

I was looking to the ground, my breath becoming erratic, I was trying really hard to control myself but it was becoming very hard for me by each passing second.

They are my parents,they are my world. I don't have anything besides them,they are my everything. And something was happening to my world at this very second,how was I supposed to calm myself? What should I tell my heart which was twisting in pain.

I looked back at Aquarius. She was thinking if she should tell me or not. She knew perfect well, the moment she tells me where are they I will practically run there without thinking anything.

"Aquarius where are they?!" I raised up my voice but Aquarius didn't even flinch,it was like she expected this. I know they are on business trip,but where are they? Which country? Which state? Just where?

By the look in her face I realised it was not a mere small thing, It was almost like she was hiding something from me and didn't wanted to Tell me at any cost. Either that or someone gave her instructions to not spill anything to me and only my parents have authority to shut her up like this. And it angered me very much.

"It's either you telling me or I am finding them myself!" I spitted in gritted teeths. Anger clearly radiating of me.

Aquarius looked anywhere but my face but when her eyes incidentally did landed on my face she was surprised to see the hurt and anger both swirling in my eyes. She finally gave up with a sigh.

"They are i-" she was cut short as loud voice boomed cutting everyone shut.

"Sir has called!" Capricorn shouted making everyone shut by his bold voice.

I didn't wasted anytime and followed him to the elevator. The elevator started moving swiftly to it's destination being the 15th floor. I was tapping my feet repeatedly,checking the floor every one second,hoping if the elevator can move any fast.

"Don't worry Madam, They will be fine. Believe in them." Capricorn said from behind me, It totally slipped from my mind that I was not alone. Capricorn and Aqaurius were with me. Capricorn as always had his face neutral,his stance rigid. But still I can sense the slight worry in his voice.

"I hope" I whispered but it was clearly heard by both of them as it was very quiet.

The door finally opened and I rushed towards the meeting room. Everyone were just behind me.

"Please allow me to re-connect with them" Capricorn said.

I just nodded at took the seat. After just few seconds every other staff came. Actually I wouldn't even call them that,they all are next to a family for me. They are the peoples with whom I have spend my childhood.

Every ten of them took their designated seat after me. And two seats were left empty as it was of Mom and Dad. Even I had one seat as according to Dad I would soon join the meetings so that finally one day I will take over the company after him.

"Are you okay?" Loki asked from beside me. He was just like a big brother to me. He was currently studying in university and because of that we started seeing less. He was busy with his work but that didn't stop him from being there for me. He always said that If I ever need him he is just a phone call away. Our bond still strong as ever.

I mustered up all my courage and smiled. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I am trying."

"We are with you Lucy" Aries smiled at me, her pink hairs up in a bun. She was girlfriend of Loke but before that she was sister to me with whom I played when I was a child,when everything seemed sweet and easy.

"Thank you" Loke and Aries are the siblings I have never had. They are always there for me,from my lowest to my brightest. I loved them both.

Suddenly all the lights were shut down and the projector displayed the face call to Mom. I sat up straight waiting for them to pick up , everyone's breath in their throat just hoping someone will pick up the phone.

And not long after someone picked up and a sickening laugh boomed in the room.


Heya,so another update. I really hope you enjoyed it. Your comment or like means a lot to me. Love ya🖤

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