Ch-4, Long Time No See

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"Lucy!" Levy shouted while running towards me. Everyone of the school was in the front of the school, talking among themselves while the fire men were doing there work. Everyone was fine. Didn't seem like much damaged was done. I would never want anyone getting hurt because of me.

"Hi.....?" I offered fully understanding the look on her face. It was the calm before the storm. Never get on bad side of levy,should have thought earlier.

"Don't you dare hi me,where the heck you were. We were so damn worried ,you idiot! What would I had done if something happened to you , do you have any ide-"

"Calm down levy, I am sorry okay. I was about to text you but my battery died" I lied. I should find new excuse, this one has gotten old.

"Yeah sure, I totally buy it. Its not like you told the same excuse for like thousand times." She said. Sarcasm dripping in every word.

"Oops.. next time I will remember it.". Shoot,what did I say.

"Next time? Are trying to say that it gonna happen again? I swear lucy- , you know what leave it. No need telling you. Are you okay?

"Yeah I am totally fine!" I beamed "where are others?"

"Everyone has gone. Their parents came and picked them up, its just me and Gajeel. Gajeel offered to stay and wait for you with me."

"Where is he now?" I looked around trying to find him.

"He has gone to find you,same as me. I will text him." She took her phone out and start typing the message.

About earlier well I was not able to see his face again. At the moment his parents called and said they are already there for picking him up. He addressed me with a small goodbye and started walking away while phone attached to his ears. After travelling a short distance he side glanced at me and mouthed something like 'see you tonight'. And plastered that stupid smirk again and went away.

I have no idea what he meant by seeing me tonight. I am not even sure if I read it correctly. I mean why would I even see him tonight, unless he comes to my home. Heh, which he even don't know the address of. For God's sake we don't even know each other. That stupid idiot is messing with my brain cells. Argh! my head hurts. Curse you, you..... You... red hoodie person!

"Lucy!" Levy shouted in my ears.

"Yeah! Why are you shouting. My eardrums" I said while checking my eardrums.

"Well I wouldn't had shouted if you were listening to what I said"

"Sorry, just thinking about some stuffs"

"Gajeel said he is in parking lot waiting for me. We will be going home now. You should also leave for your home. Everyone has already returned except for teachers"

"Yeah, bye" I said to levy as she started walking towards the parking lot " and levy, I am sorry for making you worry and thank you for waiting me"

She smiled towards me and then went away.

Levy and I had been friends for 4 years now. She was my second best friend I ever had. She never wanted me to join the gang. But it's not like I had any other choice. We were rich, people were there who wanted to destroy Heartfilia's. They were jealous. They can even kill us in order to destroy us. I wanted to protect my family no matter how. Learning some other activities can make self secure but I am not sure if it can make me protect my mom and dad. Fairytail was my second family, whenever I felt lonely I just go there, everyone was so sweet. It is totally different from what you will imagine a gang to be.

Today after this much happened my parents were not even there to pick me up or even a single text asking how I was. They must not even be aware about the incident. They were so damn busy. Its not like I hate them, I do understand their condition but I cannot help feeling this. I know My mother and father love me but these distance make me rethink about it. I don't want to be like this or think like this. That's why I am proud to call myself a member of fairytail, a good decision I made to join it.

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