ch-14, Our Mission

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As Natsu opened the door, my heart felt like it would burst out from my chest upon the sight in front of me. My window was shattered into pieces, the smoke sorrounded my whole room. Someone threw a smoke bomb in my room. But it wasn't the best part, the best part came when all the smoke cleared up and we were left to see the blood all over.

The red liquid started from my window sliding down to the floor and occupying all the space it could. It was pure disgusting. The smell, the view and the feeling. It was just all too much. Where did it came from? what was it's purpose? Whose blood is this? All the questions started swirling in my head. And what shook was the answers my mind made but my heart was not ready to accept. At the back of my mind I heard someone throwing up but I just couldn't focus on anything rather then the blood. I just stood there staring. I didn't knew what to do or not, I just stared. But someone shook me and forced me to look towards them.

My eyes landed upon the green orbs, they were filled with worry I think. I felt two hands cupping my face.

"Luce. I need you to focus." He said but I just couldn't, my eyes keep wandering to the scene in the back.

"But, Natsu what is that? Why is it here? What does it mean?" I started blabbering in horror stricken voice.

"Luce, please. Listen to me. You are not alone, I am with you." He whispered to me. I looked back into his eyes.

"But first your friend needs you." He was right. Juvia. I glanced around the room but she wasn't there. "She went to downstairs, washroom." He continued.

I nodded and slowly slided out of his hands and turned my back on the scene. I took a few steps towards the door but before I went I dared to turn back and see him. As I half turned my body, I saw the boy in front of me who was as scared as I was but wasn't showing it. He was staring at the floor with empty eyes. Me and him were suffering from the exact same thing but the only difference between us is how the way he reacts to things. He always stays calms, it scares me that how he doesn't show any emotion. But what scares me the most is what if one day even I can't read his emotions anymore. I couldn't take it anymore so I went outside to search for Juvia.

I found her sitting on the couch, she was holding a glass of water. As she heard my footsteps she looked up. She kept the glass on the table and waited for me to join her.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked her as I settled down next to her.

She chuckled humourlessly. "Shouldn't I be the one asking that?"

I gently wrapped my hand around her shoulder and rested my head on her shoulder. "Not necessarily. It's not your fault anyway."

"I am sorry." She wishpered as she rested her head on top of mine.

"Don't be. I should be the one saying that. You had to see all that because of me."

"It's fine, it's not like I can run away from my past forever. Some day it will catch up to me and I have to be ready for it."

"You will not be facing it alone. We all will be beside you." I replied referring to all of my friends.

"I am glad." I can almost see her smile.

"Go home, rest for a while."

She shifted so that now she was sitting straight. I followed her moments.She look straight in my eyes and asked.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am." I replied while smiling at her gesture.

She bit her lips still contemplating if she should go or stay. "Hey, if it makes you feel at ease, I have Natsu with me" I said to reduce her hesitation.

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