Ch-3, Who is he?

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Everyone started to panic.To this point everyone was coughing.
It was becoming hard to breathe by every second. The fire must have taken place near our class. Because it felt so near,you could even feel the heat although you cant see the fire.Eeveryone as dumbstruck even our teacher,figuring what was going on.

"Everyone out! Fast!" I commanded which make everyone snap out of their thoughts. I quickly opened the window so that the air may pass out for time being.Everyone followed my instruction and started running towards the exit.

It was so smoky to the point that I was not able to make out the way for exit. I was continuously waving my hand in front of me in an effort to remove the smoke from my way. the air was too much to contain without coughing.When I came out of our class behind everyone, I saw that not all the area was affected badly as compared to ours. It was clear that someone intended to harm this very specific place.Still there was no sign of from where the smoke is coming.Our teachers were there making sure everyone was out.

I took a one last glance towards the class and saw him making his way in complete opposite direction.

"Hey!" I called him but because of the voice of other things he was not able to listen to me.

I quickly took my handkerchief, tied it around my face covering my noise and followed him.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" I asked loudly when I was near enough for him to listen.

He turned back and was surprised when he saw me.He too had cloth covering his nose and mouth.

"I saw who did this! " He replied while turning front again.We were still running to wherever he was going.

"What?" How come he saw but I didn't , my eyes missed something like that.

"I said that I sa- "

"Wait I know that, but how come you saw that but no one else did?"

"I will be happy to explain you but you see this not the time and I think you should just go back for now"

"No way I am going back without finding"

"You should.its too much to contain"

"I said no means no"


"Because I said so" how can I leave him all alone by himself. He might hurt himself. Two is better then one.

"Still stubborn as ever" he mumbled to himself while shaking his head in disbelief.

"What? Did you say something"


"Look there he is!" He pointed towards the back exit.

There was man in all black. Total black clothes. No doubt just like thief. We quickly followed him to the outside. No one was there except the three of us. They might be in the front of school waiting for fire extinguish for help. He had a bag slung to his right side.

"Hey! Stop!" I said in hope for him to stop.

He glanced back at us. His eyes widened when he saw me,like he knew me. And maybe I also can figure him out if he remove his stupid mask covering his whole face except his eyes. Ofcourse.

It was funny how we all had our face covered like we don't want each other to recognise us.

"You really think he will stop just because you are asking him to" I can almost feel the smirk behind that cloth.

"Whatever" I said while pouting.

"Now watch how to do it" he said while winking towards my direction as he ran towards the 'All black person'.

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