Ch-13, Crush? Crush.

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How do you attend school when everything is shit again?

Because I can't seem to remember, well maybe because i don't know. And for me sitting in maths class is the maximum point. If you think i can expand more then this shit, you are wrong. The only result you will obtain is me exploding.

"Jeez, I know you hate maths but leave the poor soul of pen out of this." Juvia spoke while giving me a weird look.

I sighed, looking down at pen. Indeed I was pointing it so hard that the spot on paper got teared up. It's just that I am not even sure why am I sitting here right now, I should have just called in sick or something. So that I could go to the company and just search for them. I told Natsu about everything, we decided we will go together after school. I am pretty suprised how Natsu reacted to the news. If I had to describe I would say he was more collected in this situation then me. And today because of his injuries he is resting at home.

It feels like it has been infinity since I last talked to mom and dad. I miss them so much. I never in my wildest dream thought that a day like today will ever come. I hope they come back soon. A sigh left my lips again.

"Hey, are you okay?" Juvia asked again shaking me back from my thoughts.

Startled I glanced at her and gave a small nod and turned back to my notebook.

"No seriously Lucy, you seem out of it today, something happened?"

I mean it's not like I don't trust her or anything, it's just that I don't wanna burden my friends. They will worry about me too much. As I was about to speak again and tell her everything is okay, she held a hand in front of my face.

"Don't give me the bullshit of 'I am fine' cause I am pretty sure I can tell that."

A genuine smile broke out on my face. Juvia was actually a very great person. She is type of person who just knows exactly when to be serious and when to not. It's like she can read people perfectly. The way she keeps up a smile will make you believe that nothing is wrong with her life. But little do they know.

I really can't hide from her now when she noticed. She is pretty persistent if you ask me. So I decided.

"Okay I promise I will tell you everything after this period."


And so I told her. From how my parents are Missing to who Natsu is.

"How come you didn't tell that to anyone?!" Juvia actually shouted not even caring to hold back her voice.

"We are in the bathroom!" I whisper shouted while blocking her mouth with my hands. I quickly checked all the stalls and thankfully all of them were empty.

"Okay now continue but please be low." I said in a begging voice.

"Oh my God Lucy are you okay? All of this happened and you didn't care to tell anyone? How could you keep all this to yourself?" She frowned.

"Yeah, I am fine. Don't worry." I replied.

She observed me for a few seconds before she captured me in a hug. I was pretty suprised at first but then loosened a bit.

"I know you are very strong and just because you rely on anyone else doesn't make you less strong.If you need any help don't hesitate to call me"

I nodded in the hug. Maybe this was actually what I needed right now. For Somebody to say that I am strong and I can do it. For somebody to tell that they have my back. I felt so overwhelmed that I have such friends. She pulled back and patted my cheeks lightly.

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