Ch-5, Nothing Changed

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' It's been a long day
without you my friend
Oh,and I will tell
you about it when I
see you again.'

It was igneel.He was just the way I remember him from years back. Same charm, same tone ,same attitude. I Guess somethings are there that never change. I remember when I used to visit natsu,Igneel,me and natsu played a lot. He was just a very dashing personality who just emits courage. I was never very formal wiith Igneel,he was just like my second dad.

There with him stood a gorgeous woman with black hairs in a bun and few strand here and there. Mrs Dragneels, she was the sweetest of all. Mom and her all traits matched perfectly. Whenever I and Natsu ended up fighting, she used to call us , make us sit then offer us cookies. And then oh god her cookies what should I say, that very cookie and my life are on same level. And between eating we forget our all harted and shake hand immediately.

"Igneel! I am so glad you were able to make it today." Dad replied while engulfing Igneel or I may say his bff in a hug.

"Yeah,same here." Igneel replied grinning.

"Hello there,Akira"Dad addressed Mrs.dragneel and shook her hand.

"Well, hello"she beamed and then turn towards mom and me who were now standing behind dad."Layla,its so nice to see you again!" she said to mom.

"Oh god I was waiting for you for so long."Mom chirped.

She gasped when she saw me. I quickly embraced her in a hug.

"Lucy,oh my look at you. what a grown up you are now" she said while hugging me back and parted slightly to kiss my forehead. God I missed her so much.

"And you forgot to mention beautiful too." Igneel said from back. I hugged him too.

"I missed you Igneel" I murmured while hugging him. He patted my head.

"He he,me too. Let's sit down,shall we?"

I nodded and took my earlier seat and so did everyone. Something was bothering me and I was not able to contain it more longer.

"Where is Natsu?" I asked to specifically no one.

"Oh I totally forgot to tell. Natsu was not able to come today,he said he has somewhere to go." Akira answered.

He just now shifted so he does not have any friends to hang out where was he.

"Erm.. Did he knew you were coming to meet us?" I asked to Akira.

"Yes.. I did told him that" Akira then towards Igneel "right?"

"yeah" Igneel agreed.

Soon everyone was in deep conversation except me of course. The food was ordered and served,everone was having great time. If I say I was disappointed that Natsu didn't show up will be an understatement, it was hurting. He knew he was going to come here. So why did he say no? Did he not want to meet me. My face practically fell,suddenly I didn't feel like being here. But I can't go home leaving them here,it will be rude. Suddenly my thoughts were intrupted by Igneel.

"Oh! I just received a message from Natsu saying he is coming. Thank God I already told him the restaurant name" Igneel said while holding his phone.

"That's great" mom replied happily and then said to me " Lucy why don't you wait for him outside since you are practically bored here with us for last one hour and could use some fresh air?"

"Yeah,sure." I said simply while standing up and making my way toward exit.

I was so damn nervous that I didn't see my way and bumped into a waiter . Luckily he was able to balance himself and the food. I muttered a small sorry and opened the exit door. The cold wind hit me making my mind clear, I was not nervous anymore. Not. Not at all. I was still nervous as hell and back. I was meeting him after a long time. I don't know anything more about him,we are practically strangers now.Maybe things will be awkward between us or maybe not.My brain cells were messing around . So,I decided to surf in internet while waiting for Natsu. The street was practically empty, just light emmited by the restaurant. I would not be surprised if anyone kidnapped me right now.

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