Ch-2, That Boy

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I shaked the feeling off and took my regular seat which is last bench near the window. But it's only available in this class.

From the window it was beautiful view,it somehow ended up showing the back side view of school. Old tress were all where to be seen,between them was a pebble path.It was spring to make it more beautiful,whenever I want to take a breath out of the mess of my life I usually go there. I am not even sure if people knew about that place cause I never saw someone there before.And don't wish to.

The class went on and as usual nothing new,only long boring class.It was lunch now and I was standing in front of my locker keeping my books.

"Hey Lucy, you coming or?" Levy said while tapping her foot.

"Just a minute"

"And I thought you are planning to eat here only"

"Ha ha funny" I replied by rolling my eyes.

We went to the cafeteria to our friends who were waiting for us. It was seven of us,we had been friends from as long as I can remeber. we took our usual seats.It was a circled table and we accomodated pretty well ,even though after all our specific place there was still a place for another person. Will anyone ever sit there? who knows. It starts with Erza then jallal-juvia-gray-levy-gajeel and then me.Our group was a pretty famous group.Firstly we had some gorgeous boys.

Jallal who was the captain of our basketball team,he has blue hairs which slightly covers his left eye,under the left eye he had tattoo which made him look even more hot. Then there is Gray who is a great swimmer of our school and mostly everyone knew him, he has raven colour hair with Smokey eyes which suited his personality very well. And then the last but not least Gajeel, he has long black spiky hairs.He is a very great singer of our school. And also has piercing all over his face.

And then we gorgeous girls, don't take me wrong but we were pretty and had the body of model just like boys.Erza our school President, juvia in cheer leader group and levy our cute little book worm who is loved by everyone.

"So you guys coming tomorrow to watch my basketball match?"jallal asked us.

"Is that even a question,ofcourse we will"delightfully replied Erza.

"Don't worry dude I will be there after all I need to see your face when you lose"Gray said high-fiving Gajeel.

"Yeah keep dreaming you looser"

"Who do you called looser?"

"You"jallal replied with a duh tone.

"I am not a looser!"


"Hey! Gajeel why don't you say him that I am not a looser" Gray tuurned towards Gajeel in hope he will support him.

"Ya,dont call him that even if he is."Gajeel said with a smirk.
We all shared a laugh. Until someone rudely interrupted it. know every school has that one famous girl with her fellows thinking that they own the school.yeah,lissana was that.

"Oh,look who we got here" she said eying me.

"Are your foots alright?" I asked her which forced her to frown.


"Ya,cause every time I don't know how you end up here. When your friends are not even here"

By this time all the students of cafeteria were concentrating at us and eagerly waited to know what her reply would be.

"Shut up" she said while rolling her eyes.

"Truth is bitter" I said simply.

She glared at me and said " you better be quiet or else.."

"Or what?" I asked in a challenging voice and looked straight in her eyes.

"Ugh! F*ck off" ofcourse what else she can say.

"You f*ck o- actually you don't even have someone to do with"

And with that I got up and left her standing there while everyone was trying hard to control their laughter. I don't even know why she hates me,she just does.

Lunch was almost over in ten minutes and I still had not eaten my lunch.Great.Guess today no lunch.

So,I planned on going to my locker and be ready for next class.

'I should text levy she will inform others so they don't worry about me.'

I was so engrossed in my texting that i bumped into someone.

I literally bumped into his hard chest. How stupid can I be. I was backing away to apologize when my foots lost its balance and what next. I fall down on my butt with a thud noise.yeah he didn't catch me after all it's not a movie you see.

"Ouch!" To this point I was so embarrassed I can't tell.

I bumped into someone and then landed flatly on my butt. Just now I was feeling proud of myself and now look.

"Hey,are you okay?" He bent a little and offered me a hand.

'what a gentleman'

"Yeah I guess" I took his hand and slowly got up. There was a electric Spark when I took his hand,it was so familiar but can't remember who's.

He was wearing a red hoodie,it was almost covering his face. I was only able to see his mouth and his green eyes which was not clearly visible. He was taller then me,maybe 6 foot something.

He picked up my phone which fell during the collision and gave it to me.

"Thank you" I took the phone.

He nodded and continued his way towards his class. His class is that?I quickly grabbed my books from my locker and went towards the class he went. After-all that was my next class too.

I quickly spotted him as there was not much students as there was few minutes left for the class to start. And.... I don't want to look like a stalker so I took the seat far away from him but then also I was clearly able to see him.

The bell rang and till that time the class was also full. Our teacher started with its lecture.

And suddenly there was explosion. In just few second everything changed there was only smoke to be seen. Students were panicking ,coughing.There was only one thing that can bee seen.


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