S i x t e e n / The moment

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"Yes officer *sniifle* you may" I sniffled back my tears.

"No matter how hard this may seem, I'd like you to explain in as much detail to what happened to Y/n Y/l/n" The officer instructed me.

"Yes officer, It all started when.."

Flash back


I heard no response so I yelled louder.

"Y/N!!!" I yelled louder this time.

"I swear to god Y/n!" I rambled walking up the stairs to Y/n's room.

I knocked on the door with still no answer.

I attempted to open the door but it seemed to be locked..

I leant my body against the door and put my ear as close as I could to the door, to see if I could hear her at all.

I didn't hear a sound so I knocked again..

"Y/n.. are you alright?, please open the door.."
I informed.

But still no answer..

"Y/N!" I yelled out but still.. no answer.

I ran from the hallway to her room and put my whole body full force into the door.

It smashed open only to reveal the most hearted breaking thing.

"Y/N?!" I yelled, pleading for an answer.

"Y/n please say you can hear me, listen Y/n" I started to shake her in an attempt to wake her up.

As reality hit me, I finally realised what had happened..

I dialled 911 and said to bring an ambulance quickly to my address.

5 minutes later they arrived..

She was rushed to hospital and now we end up here..

End of flashback

I explained to the officer during my flashback and I was released.

As I walked back through the hospital doors a nurse came up to me to let me know that Y/n I up and awake.

I ran to her room and swung the door open, almost falling off it's hinges due to so much force...

Hey guys it's Lena
I hope you liked the end of this chapter to fall from a cliffhanger, I want to 115% keep my promise and stay updated,
love you all SO much! 💘💘

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