E i g h t e e n / And well..

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The next morning

I was escorted (god I love that word) out of the hospital after hours and hours of Y/n to wake up.

I have no idea how she is right now.

For all I know, she could be dead..

*ring ring*

My phone rang so I picked it up.

"H-hello?" I answered my phone.

"Hello Mr Wolfhard, I'd like you to come down to the hospital as soon as possible please" The person from the other side of the phone explained.

"Will do" I said before I quickly grabbed a brand new shirt and leaped our the door.

Frank was waiting patiently in the car ready as I hopped in and started to make our way to the hospital.

Feelings.. lots and lots of different emotions and feelings where going through my head, I can't even explain.

Before we knew it we had arrived and I swung he car door open.

I raced through the familiar doors and headed to the desk.

"Hi I'm here for Y/n Y/l/n, I was called to come here ASAP" I explained.

"Yes right this way" another lady behind the desk leaded the way.

As we got to the door I opened it quickly yet quietly eager to see her..

As I opened the door she was there..

The log  of my life was there and well..

I ran into her arms held in my embrace.

She hugged me as tight as she could with a few tears escaping her eyes.

Once we pulled apart I got caught up with the look on the Doctors eyes staring at me.

"Mr Wolfhard, glad you could make it" He smiles as I did so back to him.

"Thank you, Mr Jones (see what I did there)" I responded politely to him.

"Also good news kiddo, she's already and set off for today if you'd like her back" The Doctor suggested.

"That's great to hear Mr Jones, yes please" I looked over to Y/n with a smile of pure happiness on her gorgeous face.

"What time would she be able to take off home?" I asked Mr Jones.

"4:15pm this afternoon" he informed me.

"Great I'll see youse then" I smiled at the doctor and gave Y/n a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Walked out of the hospital doors and out to Frank in the car.

"How did it go?" Frank asked starting the car up.

"Really well, she's alright now so, that's a good thing" I explained to Frank making relief look obvious on his face.

Hey Guys it's obviously Lena,
I hope you'll love this Chapter, I'll try to be more active.. I promise <3

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