N i n e t e e n / Home sweet home

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Finn POV
I woke up in a similar position that I fell asleep in.

I rolled over on my comfy bed to the table beside my bed and checked the time on my phone.

"4:15" I groaned out loud.

A few minutes later I shook(eth) my sleepy eyes and finally got my lazy ass outta bed.

"*gasp* Y/n!" I came to the realisation that I'm picking up my baby girl in a few minutes.

I chucked on a different shirt since I managed to sleep in my jeans and headed to the car.

I said a simple hello to Frank in the car before closing the car door and buckling my seat belt.

"To the hospital" I referred to where we're heading to.

It wasn't until an amount of time til Frank started the car and pulled out of He drive way.

We started to make our way to the hospital..

20 minutes later..

We pulled into a parking spot and locked the car.

We started walking out to the hospital and already I could see Y/n sitting in the waiting room for me.

As I walked through the doors with Frank waiting outside.

I glanced over to Y/n seated in a chair whilst walking to the front counter.

"Hi I'm here to pick up Y/n Y/l/n" I told the lady behind the desk.

"Y/n Y/l/n!" She called Y/n's name.

Y/n then stood up from her seat and ran over to me with wide arms.

I hooked her into my tight hug and kissed her forehead.

"I missed you baby" I admitted to her.

"I missed you more bubba" She cried in my arms.

As we pulled apart the lady serving me gave us a sweet smile and handed me a slip I'm guessing to do with Y/n.

We soon headed out of the doors to be immediately greeted by Frank with a warm welcoming hug.

As we pulled apart we headed to the car to be back at.. Home sweet home

Hey Y'all it's Lena <3,
I hope you guys liked this chapter and omg I'm still freaking out we got 1k reads on this omfg I love youse all individually x 😘 😘

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