I Always Will - John Laurens x Reader

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I SAW HAMILTON IN THE THEATER! I saw it for my birthday. It was amazing. I liked the actors the had for it, it really was a dream. It made me cry though (like always). Another John oneshot? This time with angst? Oh heck yeah! This isn't that great, but I really enjoyed writing it. It is long, so if you're not interested in long one shots, then please wait for another one. I'm not going to be going by the actual history. Also, this is in the 1700s'. Remember, I'm open to requests!

(H/C) = Hair color
(E/C) = Eye color
(F/C) = Favorite color

Death, angst, a bit of language!)


It was a peaceful day for (Y/N) Laurens as she did the chores around the house. You see, her husband was off fighting in the revolution, and she has been worried sick about him.

Today was the day that ended. All of the soliders are supposed to be coming home today. She was picking up the house so John wouldn't have to come home to see a mess she has been.

The (E/C) woman was finally done cleaning the house, so she took a break. She had sat down by the bookshelf. (Y/N) couldn't help but let her eyes skim down the shelf with all the books. Her eyes came across a dried rose. She had kept that rose for two years now. That was the first rose that John had gave her. She smiled as her mind went back to the memory.


(Y/N) (L/N) and John Laurens had just  began to court. They've known each other for years now, and John had finally got the courage to ask to court her. (Y/N) felt the same way towards John, and was waiting for him to ask before it was too late. So when he did, she felt relieved and said yes. The next week, John was taking (Y/N) somewhere special to him. A small place by a lake.  It was the place that his father took his mother for their honeymoon. Even though John and (Y/N) weren't getting married, he thought that she would like the spot. She always talks about nature.

When (Y/N) got there, John handed her a (F/C) color rose.

"John! How'd you find these?!" She exclaimed. John smiled.

"I'll never tell." (Y/N) got butterflies in her stomache. Everything felt lighter and things seemed brighter. It was that feeling. That feeling she had always got around him.

(Y/N) shook her head and took in the surroundings around her. The first thing she noticed was how blue and deep the lake looked. It was calm as glass. She then looked back to John and noticed how he was staring at her. (Y/N) blushed and looked away.

"I-I'm sorry! I just can't help but stare at something so beautiful."

(Y/N) smiled and felt more heat rise to her face. Normally she would have laughed at something so cheesy, but this was John, and he was different.

"I didn't make this awkward, did I?"
"N..NO! Of course not! You made it better, if that's even possible."

John sighed of relief. He really thought he had scared away the girl he's loved since that day. 'Hopefully she's not lying.." John thought to himself.

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