Coward - Charles Lee × Reader

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And there goes my schedule. So, school has been really busy! Don't worry guys, I'll have the surprise up soon. I haven't done a Charles one shot, so please enjoy!

Warnings: Mentions of Divorce.

Time Period: Hamilton time

"(Y/N) Lee. That's what my name is, and I've come to see my husband." The young woman came into the medical tent. Her (e/c) eyes blazing, almost like their was fire in them. The nurse led her to the medical tent. Her dress was getting muddy, but she didn't care. She needed to get to her husband.

"Here you go ma'am." The nurse opened the tent, and there laid Charles Lee. He luckily survived, but it was by a hair. He looked up, and his eyes quickly filled with shame. (Y/N) thanked her, and shut the tent flaps.

"What were you thinking?" (Y/N)'s voice filled with venom. Charles couldn't bring himself to look at his wife. She shook her head and looked away. Rubbing her temples, (Y/N) looked at Charles.

"Do you know how terrified I was when I got this letter?! That you almost died because you had to go running into a duel that you caused?!" (Y/N) asked, her voice raising. She ripped out the letter George Washington wrote her from her pocket. Charles shot his head up.

"I didn't cause the duel! John Laurens started it!" Charles yelled. (Y/N)  scoffed and rolled her eyes. She came closer to him.

"That's your excuse?! Just like a child!" (Y/N) spat out. Charles squinted at her. She crossed her arms, and let out a frustrated sigh.

"(Y/N), stop. You're embarrassing me!" Charles yelled at her. (Y/N) froze, and her eyes widen. Charles quickly realized what he said, and bit his tongue. (Y/N) drily laughed and shot a dirty glare at Charles. It was dirtier than her dress.

"So you're embarrassed of me now, huh?" (Y/N) felt tears prick her eyes. She paused for a moment and thought about what she was going to say. (Y/N) wasn't like her husband. She wasn't impulsive.

"Charles... This-" (Y/N) pointed back and forth between her and her husband. "-isn't going to work. I think we should get a divorce." Charles shot her a painful look. His heart dropped to his stomach,  and he wanted to scream. This was his worst nightmare.

"(Y/N)... Please. Don't do this." Charles voice cracked. (Y/N) shook her head. She felt hot tears running down her face. She wasn't the one to show emotions. She never was, and that's what Charles loved about her. It was shocking to see her almost falling apart.

"Charles..You...You coward." (Y/N)'s voice was barley above a whisper. She held back a sob. Was she making the right decision? She asked herself this many times. She wanted to back out. She told herself to back out, but she deep down, there was the voice telling her she needed to do this.

"When you come home..You need to find somewhere to stay.." (Y/N) then walked out of the tent. She couldn't bare to hear Charles cry. She didn't need her heart to break anymore.


Ayyee! I know this seems similar to my first one shot. I'm just running out of one shot ideas. Just to let you guys know, you can also request preferences. I'm going to stick to my schedule now, like I should have been doing. I really am a bad procrastinator!

Author out!

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