What's This? PT 2 - High School!Angelica × Reader

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OOooh boy! This is going to be a long chapter, but I owe it to you guys.

Warnings: Angst,Cussing, Backstabbing by friends.



"Angelica Schuyler!" I yelled, my voice silencing everyone's conversation. I saw the infamous pink mini skirt and brown curls from where I was. I marched all the way down the hallway, pushing people out of my way. Everyone stared.

"(Y-Y/n)?" Angelica stuttered out. She was clearly embarrassed. I would've been too, but it was my feeling of betrayal keeping me moving. I pulled out the picture.

"H-How did Jess and-and her friends get this?" I shoved it in Angelica's direction. She looked down at the picture. She then looked away. I felt my heart break.

"Yo-You gave this to them..?" My voice was barely audible. Angelica closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"(Y/n), I didn't...I don't...You wouldn't understand." That was all Angelica could get out. I bit my lip. Tears were filling in my eyes. I tried my best to blink them away.

"You betrayed me...You are a backstabbing bitch!" I yelled at her. Tears running down my cheeks now. Angelic tried to touch my shoulder and confort me. I pushed her away.

"Don't ever touch me again!" I yelled, and ran down the hall. I heard Angelica call out to me. I didn't turn around. I ran to the bathroom, (luckily it was empty) and let it out there.

For the next week, everyone was talking about what happened. They didn't mention the picture, though. Maria didn't come around me. Angelica probably told her what happened, or Jess and her friends approached her like they did me. I assumed the later.

For that week, I didn't talk to anyone. Nobody talked to me. I usually didn't care since I was used to it. This time was different. It was like I was in a dark corner, and if anyone came near me, they would be affected with some type of disease.

I was thankful that the week was almost over. History couldn't go any slower. I didn't care about Lin Manuel Miranda being a founding father. I was forcing myself to keep my eye lids, when all of a sudden my shoulder was tapped on. I turned around to see John Laurens handing me a piece of paper.

"For you... " He mouthed. I quickly looked to see if Mrs. Washington wasn't paying attention. She was focused on the chalk board, so I quickly took the note. I read it in my mind.

'My dear, (Y/n),

I don't have a lot of space, but I need to talk to you after school. I know you're still mad at me. But just let me explain to you what happened. Please meet me at the tree in front of the school.

- Angelica..'

I looked at Angelica. I did miss those big chocolate eyes. I mentally sighed. I should give her a chance. Maybe she has a good reason.

"Miss (L/n)!" Mrs. Washington called on me. I quickly looked up. I haven't been paying attention! Oh fu-

"Can you please tell me who Lin Manuel Miranda married?" I felt the whole class stare at me. My cheeks were heating up. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

"Uh.. I don't know.." I mustered out. Mrs. Washington gave me a small smile. The whole class snickered. Except for John and Angelica.

"Please pay attention," She paused and turned to the class. "Now, open your books to page twenty two."

After class, I decided to meet Angelica.  I went to my locker and put everything in my backpack and raced to the tree. There was a small part of me hoping she'll have a good excuse.

By the time I made my way to the tree, it was just me and Angelica on school grounds. Well, there was a couple  kids still on campus, but they didn't matter.

"Angelica." I growled. She frowned.

"(Y/n). I am incredibly sorry for everything I caused. I know that probably don't believe me, but-" I cut her off. I gave her a huge hug.

"I forgive you. Just...why'd you do it?" My voice broke at the end. She pulled back, her cheeks red.

"I-I was jealous. Jealous that Maria kissed you. I told her I..I liked you first,and she kissed you. So to get revenge on Maria, I showed Jessica and her friends. I didn't want to hurt you.." She cried out into my shoulder. Now it was my turn to go red. Angelica has a crush on me? I smiled. She pulled away and I wiped her tears.

"Angelica...It's okay." I soothed. She helplessly smiled, and looked up at me.

"I like you, too. I-I was just hurt when you showed them the picture. I didn't mean-" Angelica quickly cut me off by smashing her lips on to mine. It didn't take me long to kiss back. We both pulled away, trying to catch our breathe.

"I forgive you, too." We both hugged. All of a sudden, I didn't care about the big incident. I was finally happy.


This was one of my favorites to write! If you want to request anything, please let me know. Requests are always open!

Author out!

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