Prank - Modern!Aaron Burr x Modern!Reader (PART 1)

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I've had this idea for a long time! I've written one Aaron oneshot, so I thought he would be the perfect person for this one. Reminder y'all, requests are open!

Warnings: The hamsquad being mean to Aaron, lil bit of angst.



"You can't do that to her!" I shouted at my book. I was relaxing after getting a stressful amount of homework done. I may be a bit of bookworm but I turn to books and fictional characters when I'm upset or frustrated.

I sat my book down and put my bookmark in it. I was going to call my best friend Aaron Burr and explain what's going on in my book. Aaron's my first person to go to when something happens in my book. He's actually usually the first person I go to when anything happens to me. But then again, we can't tell anyone about our friendship. You see-

"(Y/n)! We have a fantastic idea." John and Alexander, my best friends, came bursting through me dorm door. Out of shock, I fell to my floor. My heart was pounding and I glared at them. John nervously smiled and offered a hand to help me out. I sighed and extended mine. I was then pulled up.

"Sorry (Y/n), but we have this fantastic idea and we need you!" Alexander spoke, laughter trying not to interrupt his speaking. Oh yes. I'm best friends with the Hamilsquad. They called themselves that after Alexander since he was extremely popular. They're also big pranksters. I'll sometimes help out. As long as I won't get in trouble.

"What is it?" I huffed annoyed. John and Alexander smirked. For some reason my stomach was in knots.

"So you know Aaron right," John paused and looked at Alexander. I nodded my head slowly. "Well he wants to date you!" Alexander quickly blurted out. My eyes went wide and it felt like all the blood in my body went up to my cheeks. I would be lying if I didn't say Aaron was extremely attractive. I would also be lying if I didn't say I didn't have feelings for him.

"Where did you hear this?" I crossed my arms and put on a mask of suspicion. Deep down I was trying not to freak out. This could just be a lie, I was going to say to try to convince them. Or was I just trying to convince myself?

"We overheard him rejecting Theodosia because of it!" My eyes widen. Theo has had a huge crush on him for a long time. She's also one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen. This definitely is true then.

"A-And?" I stuttered. I looked down and  fidgeted with my hands. This is one of my worst habits when I'm nervous. John raised an eyebrow.

"Do you like Aaron?" I quickly looked up. They would just tease me if I told the truth. They wouldn't want to be friends with me. Guess it's time to lie.

"No! He's not my type." I rolled my eyes. This was going to bite me in the butt later. Mentally, I wanted to smack myself and then John and Alexander.

"Good. So our prank was going go something like this," Alexander grabbed John and put him in front of him. "You're gonna ask Aaron to meet you by the big tree a little off campus."

"The one by that park?" I asked. Alexander nodded. Aaron and I love to read under it. My heart fluttered thinking about it.

"When he gets there it's gonna go something like this;" He motioned towards John. I'm guessing John is playing the part of me in this little play they set up.

"Hey Aaron!" John said in a high pitched voice. It sounded like nails on a chalk board to me. I cringed.

"Hey (Y/n). What's up?" Alexander said in a deeper voice. This was some horrible acting.

"Well I heard a rumor going around about how you have a crush on me...Is this true?" John batted his eyelashes. I sighed annoyed.

"I don't have time for this. Either tell me what the hell you guys are gonna do or leave." I said harshly. John and Alex's eyes widen for a quick minute. Probably from shock. I haven't really snapped at them like this.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" John asked, his voice laced with concern. I wanted to tell them the truth. But they would make fun of me. I sighed and tried to compose myself.

"Nothing is wrong with me. It's just my book." I lied through my teeth. Alexander looked around John and shrugged. Did they buy it?

"Okay you nerd," he laughed and I mentally let out a breath of relief. "Our plan is that we're basically gonna prank him by making him think you're confessing that you like him. When he asks if you mean that or something, you're gonna say nope and then we'll jump out of the bushes and throw things at him." I didn't say anything as I proceeded to process what John explained. I gritted my teeth.

"So we're just going to play with his feelings?!" I yelled at them. John and Alexander flinched. I face palmed. I couldn't do it anymore.

"(Y/n), seriously what's wrong?" John asked again. I scoffed. Do they not have any morals?

"I love you guys but playing with someone's feelings is wrong. Even if it is Aaron. This isn't right. No one deserves that." I paused. John had a face of guilt and Alexander looked away from me. I felt a wave of confidence wash over me. It's time to tell them.

"Listen. I do have feelings for Aaron. He's honestly a good guy and he gets me. He's never done anything to hurt me. He also cares so much. It's so rare to find something like that these days." I confessed. It felt like a lot of pressure had been taken off of my shoulders. I looked at the boys. John's eyes were so wide I thought they would pop out of his head. Alexander's eyes rolled back to his head and he slowly started to tip over, but John caught him.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" John shouted while he was helping Alexander get back on his feet. Alexander blinked a couple of times but then glared at me. I felt a shiver go down my back.

"Because you guys would ridicule me! You guys hate Aaron. I knew that you would never accept it. So I hid the fact I liked him and that we always hung out." I yelled back. I waited for their response.

"(Y/n)," Alexander started. He hadn't said anything at all. "You should have told us! We're best friends! I'm more mad you didn't tell me." Alexander said in a calm tone. I was surprised. I thought he would have yelled at me for sure. A wave of guilt washed over me. I felt like I was getting scolded by my parents.

"I'm sorry..." I looked at the ground. I couldn't even look at them. The hurt was evident in their eyes. Alexander didn't even yell at me. Was he that hurt? For the six years I've known him, he's always yelled when he angry or hurt.

"Well you need to tell him because we already told him to meet you there."

(Sorry y'all! I wanted to get something out for you guys. With COVID-19 going around, we're on quarantine. So I'll be writing a lot so...SEND REQUESTS!

Author out!)

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