Moving On - Modern!Thomas x Modern!Female x Modern!Lafayette (PT 1)

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Warnings: Cheating

"Hello! Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get you?" My gaze was turned to what was in front of me. I was next in line. I quickly walked forward seeing as today was one of their busy days. I hate when I randomly doze off.

"U-Um sorry! May I please have a tall mango black tea lemonade?" I had started to memorize my order the day I started to come to this Starbucks. You could call me a regular. I guess this person was new. The barista wrote on the cup. His...fluffy hair was one of the first things I noticed.

"What would be the name for that?" He looked up and gave a small smile. I gave him one in return. His thick french accent made my cheeks turn pink. He's cute and french?!

"(Y/n)." He quickly wrote that down. I got out my wallet to pay but was quickly stopped.

"No, this one is on me." The man said and paid for it himself. My cheeks felt hotter. I couldn't help but give a shy smile. I looked down.

"Thank you so much, but you don't have to-"

"You're right but I want to." I felt my stomach flutter like butterflies were in it. Before I could say anything, a throat was cleared. I looked behind to see that the line had gotten longer. Not wanting to get the kind and handsome man in trouble, I left to go to my table.

I would soon find out that the man's name was Lafayette. After three months of knowing each other, we became best friends. He was there for me when no one else would be. He introduced me to my boyfriend Thomas. I was so helpless for him. I had forgotten about my feelings for Lafayette.

"Thomas! I'm home!" I said as I walked through our shared apartment. We've been dating for almost a year now. The apartment was pitch black. This was unusual. Thomas wasn't one to have all the lights off. I knew he was home since his car was parked in the driveway. I looked down the hallway to our room to see the light on.

As I crept closer to our room, I heard a female voice. He couldn't be...Is he? The door was cracked. The crack was slim but it was loud enough to hear what was being said.

"She doesn't have to know," A familiar voice said. My stomach dropped. I couldn't move. What was Thomas going to say? I hoped that what was going on could be explained. I stayed still.

"You're right.." Thomas said. It was quiet for a moment. I decided to move a little bit closer and peaked through the crack. I felt my blood turn cold and my jaw drop. Standing right in front of me was Thomas kissing Maria Reynolds. My best friend kissing my boyfriend.

I busted through the door. Thomas looked at me. Maria quickly pushed him off. My mind was racing.

"I can't believe you." I shot a cold stare at both of them. Maria looked down at the floor while Thomas tried to touch me. I harshly pulled away.

"Get out." I demanded. Maria ran out the door. She looked like she was crying but I didn't care. I turned to Thomas. My blood boiling.

"How long?" I whispered and looked at the ground. He stayed silent. I couldn't handle the silence and him.

"How long?!" I yelled and looked up. Thomas flinched and sighed. I raised an eyebrow.

"Five months." I felt my heart shatter even more. I walked up to Thomas and smacked him. I was fighting back tears. I backed up and looked away.

"Do you love her?" My lip quivered. I prayed he would say no. I wanted this all to be a nightmare, but with all of this pain I'm feeling right now, it can't be a nightmare. It's reality.

"(Y/n) please. Don't make-" I raised my hand signaling him to stop. Thomas had tears running down his cheeks. There was a minute of silence. Time for me to think. What had happen with our relationship? Was I not good enough?

"You shouldn't need for me to choose." My voice cracked.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I love you. I can't live without you. Don't leave." Thomas begged. I shook my head. Why? Why was this hard? I don't want to leave, but I know I need to leave.

"I'm done with you. Ill have someone pick up my stuff tomorrow. You love Maria. I can't be with someone who cheats. Goodbye Thomas. I hope life treats you right." I swallowed down my tears and walked out the bedroom. I took a look at all of our pictures down the hallways. We were happy once. What changed?

Opening the door, I said one last goodbye to the apartment and the memories. I could hear Thomas sobbing. I tried not to cry as I shut the door but failed. Picking up my phone, I quickly called the one person I could trust.

After three rings, it picked up.

"Lafayette, can I come over?"

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