What's This? PT 1 - High School!Angelica × Reader

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I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to be this long of making a one shot. I've been so busy with school, I kind of forgotten about Wattpad. Keyword being kind of. I'll be posting more, I promise!

Warnings⚠: Angst and bullying! Homophobia! Minor cussing.

Time: Modern.


"Have a good day, hon!" My mom said as she dropped me off. She smiled, and I gave a small one back. I waved my mother as she left the school grounds.  As I turned to face the school, I felt a feeling of dread drown me. My mind was telling me something bad was going to happen, but it's school. Something bad always happens.

I sighed and forced my feet to move towards the entrance.

I entered the building. Kids were laughing and talking. Many of them in groups. I never had that experience. I only had one friend. Angelica Schuyler.

Angelica was a beautiful woman. We've been friends since second grade. These two boys were picking on me and Angelica saw it. She was the one who gave them black eyes. It made me smile just remembering about it. Of course, I had a small crush on her. I would never tell her though. It would ruin my friendship with her.

I opened my locker and got my books I needed for the day. I wanted to quickly get to my homeroom. I couldn't run into them.

"Hi again, skank!" I turned around to see them. It was as if the universe wanted to kill me. Who am I talking about?

The popular girls. The girls that everyone wanted to sleep with or be. They just so happened to my bullies. Cliche right? Don't look at me. Look at the author!

"Girls, do you smell something?" Katelyn asked, her high pitched voice making my ears want to bleed. I rolled my eyes. I just wanted to get to my class.

"Well duh! (Y/n)'s here." Melissa gave me a dirty look. I just stood there. My feeling in my stomach was getting bigger. This wasn't going to be fun.

"So that's why it smells like trash!" Jessica giggled. Everyone laughed. I felt super embarrassed. I wanted to leave. I pushed past them, but my arm was quickly grabbed. I turned around and faced the girls.

"Oh! Before you go, your 'friend' gave us this." Jessica handed me a old portfolio picture. They giggled and left everyone staring.. What did they mean by friend. I looked down at the picture.

It showed me kissing Maria Reynolds. The only time I kissed her was when I was drunk... Angelica was the only one there with us. Why would she do this?! My blood boiled and my eyes filled with tears.

I couldn't believe it. There was no way Angelica could do this.. She's my best friend. Maybe there was someone else who took the picture..? I shook my head. The angle says other wise.

I needed to confront her. Her locker was by the lunch room. It was a long walk, but I didn't care. I unclenched my jaw and ran to her locker. People stared when I passed. Had news gotten around that fast?

I arrived just in time. Angelica was just about to shut her locker. My heart was crushing but I forced myself to talk.

"Angelica Schuyler!"


I am so sorry about how short the chapter is, and about how long it took me to update! I've been busy with school and other things.

*SELF PROMO* (sorry y'all)

I've also started a YouTube channel! I run it with my two friends, Lunar_Moon88 and DarkWolfDemon411. It's called ThemFangirlsTho. It's a gatcha channel, but we're looking to expand. If you can check it out, it would help a lot.

Author out!

Hamilton × Reader (Oneshots/Preference/Etc)Where stories live. Discover now