Where's (Y/N)? - John Laurens × Dead!Reader

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Yay! We have to love angst.I'll probably do a Thomas one next! Just give me a prompt. That's the part I'm stuck on. Also, Laurens isn't in South Carolina. Anyway, on to the  one shot!

Warnings: Death and mentions of blood.

Time: 1700s

Explanation on how Reader joined The revolution:
In this one shot, the reader somehow convinced George Washington (I know, clichè) to let her join the army. John didn't want her to, but after a long talk, he agreed.


"We won..." John whispered to himself. He smiled bright. He finally could be free. The colonies could be free. Next could be the slaves.

"We won!" John heard his friends yell three times. He joined in. He could feel tears running down his face. This time, not of sadness, but of joy. Next was to marry his (Y/N), and try to free slaves. Speaking of (Y/N), John wondered where she was.

"Hey, have you guys seen (Y/N)?" John asked his friends, joy lacing his voice and eyes sparkiling. Alexander's face grimaced. Lafayette's smile dropped. Hercules turned away from the freckled man.

"John, I have something to tell you." Alexander replied, and John's blood ran cold. He wasn't stupid. Judging by his friends expressions and actions, something wasn't right.

"Where's (Y/N)?!" John raised his voice. Lafayette wiped his tears, and John could tell that they weren't joyful tears. Hercules finally spoke up.

"John, I'm sorry. (Y/N) is...(Y/N)..." Hercules couldn't get the words out of his mouth. (Y/N) and Hercules had been close. She was close to the group, but Hercules was special.

"(Y/N) is dead..I'm sorry." Lafayette said in a whisper. John felt tears prick his eyes. He felt like his whole world was crumbling down on him.

"Ho..How?" John choked out. Alexander didn't want to be the one to tell his best friend how the love of his life died. The memory still replaying in his mind. Alexander felt like he could have stopped it. (Y/N) was right there beside him, and he didn't see the red coat.

The red coat had aimed for Alexander, but (Y/N) jumped in front of him. She had been shot in stomach. She fell backwards, but Alexander quickly caught her. He laid down her down, and held her close.

"I..I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." (Y/N) repeated over and over again. Alexander cried and shook his head. She couldn't die. She had to stay alive. For John.

"(Y/N), it's okay. You..You did nothing wrong...You're gonna be okay..Just stay alive..." Alexander pleaded and cried. (Y/N) let out a pained laughed. It was like a sour note on a violin.

"We..We both know that's no..not true." (Y/N) choked out. Blood ran down her chin and onto the ground. Her white blouse stained a dark red. Alexander sobbed. She let out a sad smile.

"Tell Joh..John, I..I lo..love hi..him.." (Y/N) then closed her eyes for the last time. Alexander repeated her name, begged for her to wake up. She didn't. Alexander sat there by her side, weeping. He sat there for ten minutes before getting up, and quickly charging after every red coat he saw.

Alexander sighed, and looked at his best friend who had tears running down his face. John looked like a mess already. Alexander than began to explain, and John grew angrier. 'It was his fault.' John thought to himself.

"You let her take the bullet?!" John screamed, and lunged forward at Alexander. He pinned him to the ground. Hercules and Lafayette quickly intervened, pulling John off of Alexander and holding him back.

"I would have taken the bullet. I wish I did. I didn't even see the red coat..." Alexander whispered, his voice breaking. John scoffed. Of course he didn't see him.

"This is why George didn't make you second in command! Damn it!" John tried to lunge at Alexander again, but Hercules held him tighter. Alexander looked down at the ground.

"She told me to tell you she loved you...Th..That was her last words.." John seemed to stop in his tracks. He looked at Alexander, and this time, it wasn't a murderous look.

"R..Really?" John croaked out. Alex nodded his head. John finally broke. It was a sad sight to see. The four soldiers were crying on the ground. Anyone could see it wasn't joyful tears. Pity glances were thrown their way, but they didn't care.

They had lost a friend, a sister, and a fianceè.


Aaaahh! I'm sorry about this. I hinted a little reference there. Tell me if you saw it. I really hope you guys enjoyed this. Remember; Requests are open!

Author out!

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