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you and the boys were hanging out down by the lake near the edge of the woods all scattered on the grass. the laughter of pitts and meeks floating through the air, the soft murmurs of todd and neil conversing, while knox played with the grass and cameron had his nose buried in a book. you laid with your stomach in the grass and your chin in your hand while your other fiddled with the strands of the dewy green plant that surrounded you. you were close to these boys, they looked out for you and even cared for you like a sister, and you cared for them like your brothers. except for one boy in particular, charlie dalton, he was different from all the others. sure the rest of the boys were cute but they were average and accepting of the paths their parents had paves for them, but not charlie. his whole demeanor was special, to you he was like a new country that had never been discovered and all you wanted was to explore. knox was the only one who knew you felt this way about charlie, you had trusted him because you figured that you could talk to him considering how love sick that boy was. charlie came trotting over and slid in the grass on his knees not caring about the fact that he had now stained his uniform. he landed at your feet and threw his head back with a giggle. you blushed at the noise, it was your favorite. when he was done relishing in the moment he greeted each of the boys and then settled his eyes on you. "y/n how are you this fine day?" he asked with a fake posh accent. "im well and how are you nuwanda ?" you questioned him back in the same ridiculous accent. "im well my lady" he then grabbed your hand as you sat up and placed a soft kiss on it. you felt the heat rise to your cheeks and laughed it off, playing along. after he dropped your hand (too soon to your dismay) he plopped his head right into your lap. knox looked at you with a smirk and you rolled your eyes at his childish behavior. you directed your gaze back to charlie, he had his eyes closed and his head titled up to the sun as he basked in the warmth. you smiled and played with the ends of his hair, something you did to all the boys, and closed your eyes as well letting the sun wash over you. knox chuckled and said "you two look like a couple over there!", you snapped your eyes open and glared at him, knowing he was doing this just to get a rise out of you. charlie kept his eyes closed but had a large grin on his face, showing his teeth and said "yeah so what? i wouldn't mind if we were." at this you nearly choked on the air, "w-what?" you asked him in disbelief wondering if he was serious or being his usual comedic self. "yeah, i mean we act like we're a couple all the time, not to mention you know everything about me" he replied finally opening his eyes to show how beautiful and brown they were. you smiled, looked to knox who nodded in approval, looked back down to charlie and whispered "i like you". he shot up like a rocket, looked you dead in the eye with his infamous smirk forming and said "well of course you do doll" then took your face in his hands and kissed you with a tenderness that a mother uses with a child. he pulled away and said "i love you y/n".

a/n lmao this is really cliche and im sorry about that, this was requested by penelame  i hope you like it! if this isnt what you were hoping for plz let me know and i will for sure rewrite it! more to come! xx

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