the boys|prefrence

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how the boys handle a storm:

charlie: charlie would make the most of it, running in the rain until the lightning got too close, and taking advantage of the fact that you could cuddle while listening to the rain. however when the power goes out, he isn't prepared AT ALL. he will stumble around looking for lighters and candles while constantly running into the walls. finally he would give up on obtaining the candles and just cuddle you.

neil: he would make sure he had candles and lighters at all time just in case a storm would hit unexpectedly. he loves sitting with you and listening to the rain pour, it honestly makes him sleepy. however, he would stay up until you fell asleep because he loves to watch your eyelids fall, your breathing slow, and your whole body relax. but he's probably a really light sleeper so any thunder or lightning would wake him with a jolt.

knox: knox would be in love with the rain, one of his favorite things to do is sit in the rain and let it sprinkle on him. he often will turn the lights of before the storm renders them powerless and he will light the best smelling candles. his favorite is vanilla or cherry because he likes how they mix with the smell of rain. to soothe you he often plays with your hair and you usually fall asleep as he begins to braid it. knox is probably the best person to spend a storm with.

meeks: you already know he is THE MOST prepared out of the boys. he honestly would probably have a backup generator so he doesn't have to deal with losing power. but he does enjoy the way the sky darkens and how nice the rain feels and smells. he'd turn out the lights and enjoy the natural, soft glow of the hidden sun. i also think he'd doze in and out because the rain really helps him relax. not to mention occasionally he'd tell you cute facts about rain like why the clouds change color.

pitts: okay i get the vibe that pitts would be lowkey scared of major storms. like not the little rain and snow storms, where it lasts a little bit but like full on storms with lots of thunder and lightning, would freak him out. but not to the point where he's panicking, but enough to where he's on edge the entire time. you would have to take the lead to get him to calm down, playing with his hair or humming a song would be his favorite and the most effective. however if his significant other was terrified of storms, he would for sure put on a brave face and help them first.

todd: this sweet boy would make the most of the storms, if he knew there was a massive storm on its way, he'd lay out a blanket with a picnic basket full of your favorite snacks and light some scented candles. he'd go to the same place in his head that he did when he created the poem in-front of the class, and create ones about you and the storm.

a/n: (EDIT: THANK YOU FOR 2K READS!!) HI IM SO SO SORRY THAT ITS TAKEN ME SO LONG TO UPDATE AHH. i've been so busy with summer projects for school, as it starts in 3 weeks and im a huge procrastinator!! anyway i hope you are all well! remember, my dms are always open here and on my tumblr!!
question: what song are you currently obsessed with??
answer: tequila by dan and shay or hey look ma, i made it by panic at the disco!!
much love!xx

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