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for: acid_esther

prompt: waking up next to todd from his POV

the sun cascaded through the thin cream colored drapes onto todd's features. as he moved, the sheets felt soft and had a chill to them. he shifted his gaze to where you slept, the covers disheveled and wrinkled as they draped over your figure. his eyes traveled up from your waist to your arms, one tucked under the pillow and the other was stretched out in the middle of the bed, almost as if it was reaching out for him. as he continued to move his stare up your body he saw your chest rise and fall slowly, he watched you breathe life in and out, mesmerized by the small, yet crucial action. then he saw the way your lips were slightly parted and moved with each breath. he stared at them and thought of all the times they had been pressed to his, the way they parted when you smiled or the way they would be all red and swollen from you anxiously biting on them due to some torment life had thrown at you. he saw your cheeks and the way the curves and angles of your face had been accentuated by the shadows and rays of light that came through. your eyelids closed and your lashes nearly kissing your cheeks, your eyebrows in a peaceful and resting state, they made you look ethereal. your hair was all over the place, falling in waves and twists due to your tossing and turning that you had done in the previous hours. still he found you beautiful. he shifted closer to you and as he did he lifted your arm that had been stretched out and placed it across the lower half of his chest. tenderly he placed his arm on your sleeping figure and began to trace all the features he had previously been admiring. his fingers were light and soft against your skin and he reveled in the fact that your skin was warm to the touch. as he made his way to your hair he began to slowly and ever so slightly untangled the smaller knots that had worked their way into your hair. once he had done all he could, he began to place the smallest kisses on your face. it was as if he was going to leave any place on your face without a kiss. soon you began to wake and he smiles wide, and begins to pepper kisses across your face at a faster pace in order to get your full attention. your eyes finally opened and they were cloudy with sleep but you could still see todd with his bright smile and fluffy hair that began to fall into his eyes. he adored your sleepy look, it made you look like you were still dreaming and he could only hope and wish to be part of your dreams. he stared at you as sleep began to fade and you came to your senses, completely in love with you and never wanting this morning to end.

A/N: hi babies! I am so sorry i've been gone forever, college has been kicking my ass. but i'm back and I have seen everyone's comments and requests. I am so thankful for all the positive feedback and lovely comments that I have been getting. It means the world! if you sent in a request I promise I am working on it or just waiting to publish it! I fill the requests in order that they come to me so please be patient. much love xx.

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