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Requested by: nuwandamor 

word count: 2178

charlie dalton was anything but a lovesick boy. but that wasn't due to a lack of experience with women, hell charlie was the romeo of the group. he constantly found girls to flirt with despite the fact that he attended an all boys school. however, there was a new girl that charlie had set his sights on , y/n, the only other female at Welton besides the nurse and a few chefs. she went to the local highschool and volunteered in the library and front office, both places charlie found himself attending more and more frequently. sure, the rest of the boys found her attractive but they considered her a friendly face and nothing more. charlie however tried flirting with her every time he saw her. 

charlie strutted into the library, a place he hardly visited, and immediately scanned the room for that beautiful face. "bingooo" he whispered to himself as he spotted you. he approached with confidence radiating off of him as you roll your eyes. honestly you liked the boy, you thought he was cute and funny, but you couldn't let him know that.  "hello charles." you greeted with the best monotone voice you could muster. "hello beautiful" charlie says as he ignores your teasing. "can i help you charlie or are you here to bore me with your worn out pick up lines?" you ask with a smirk. "oh y/n, you hurt me" he exclaims as he grips his chest, where his heart is. you force back a giggle and walk away from shelving the history books in order to finish some paperwork in the back room. he follows in suit, and you can hear his heavy footsteps close behind you. you quickly spin around to face him and nearly hit his chest. "charlie what do you want?" you exclaim, curious as to why the boy never leaves you alone. "one date, just one!" he nearly screams out. you sigh deeply and get a whiff of his cologne, he smells like sandalwood, vanilla and the faded scent of coffee. it's comforting, and makes you nearly forget that you're playing hard to get. you shake your head lightly, coming back to the situation at hand, "charlie no, i've told you i'm not looking for anything right now. besides, you have plenty of girls that want your attention." once again, you sigh. charlie does too this time, truly upset that you keep shooting him down. "please y/n, just one date it will be really nice" he looks at you with those beautiful eyes and he truly seems sincere. you nearly say yes, but decide instead to tease the boy a little longer. as you put your hand on his arm, he tenses but out of excitement as he finally thinks he has worn you down. you lean in close and whisper "no." you turn away with a smirk and slowly walk away, proud of yourself for teasing the infamous nuwanda. charlie throws his head back in frustration and decides to go to the boys for help. 

after class, charlie meets the boys in the lounge and begins to relay the mornings events to his group of friends. each of the boys give their best advice to the rebel of the group, however they know it is no use as charlie is set on winning a date with you, no matter what. "you seem to really like this girl nuwanda" knox chimes in, he knows exactly what it's like to be in charlie's situation and he knows that unlike the rest of the girls charlie has spoken about, he's in love with you. "yeah i mean why wouldn't i?" charlie questions. "i mean she's practically perfect. she knows how i work and she's got these eyes that are just so beautiful, not to mention she smells amazing. guys, i think i might be in love!" the rest of the boys laugh and whoop as they tease the brunette. "took you long enough to realize charlie!" neil spits out. "yeah no kidding" meeks agrees. the boys then begin to tease him and make kissy faces and noises at him. charlie laughs and brushes the boys  off as he sits and thinks to himself just how he'll win you over. 

that night at dinner charlie sees you sitting at a table towards the back of the cafeteria with paperwork and a pen in front of you and your dinner to the side. as you sit grading papers for the science teacher, you hear those heavy steps and smell that intoxicating mixture that you belongs to the boy you so love to tease. "hi charlie" you say not looking up from the stack of tests. "hello y/n" charlie says softly. he sets his plate across from you as he perches on the chair. "what no special nickname tonight?" you question as you finally look up into his brown eyes. "why? do you miss them?" he teases you back with that small smirk that he always wears. "oh do i ever." you reply sarcastically. at that he lets out a small chuckle, one that makes you smile wide without you even noticing. "y/n please i really do like you, just one date and then if you really don't like me then i'll back off" he pleads and grabs your hand sweetly. you sit there in shock, the boy you have had your eyes on since you started volunteering is truly confessing that he likes you. "okay nuwanda, one date and we'll see where it goes." his face lights up as he hears you agree to his biggest fantasy. "really?!" he nearly screams in disbelief. charlie takes your hand and pulls you up onto your feet, you gasp and then laugh at his excitement. he hugs you tightly and kisses your cheek. "tomorrow after class, meet me in my dorm" he says quickly and then picks up his tray and jogs back to the table where the rest of the boys sit. "she said yes!!" he exclaims as he sits down. "yeah right" pitts says and soon the group of poets begin to laugh at the idea of you saying yes to their loud friend. 

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