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(dutch) you were studying for your up coming final in your foreign language class and knox heard you mumbling to yourself.

you sat on the bed that belonged to your sweet boyfriend while you studied for your dutch final. knox was on his way back to his room from his english class, picking up his pace every few steps just so he could get to you faster. you leaned your back against the headboard and pulled you legs to your chest as your book sat in your lap. as you quietly tapped your highlighter you mumbled to yourself, "ik ga naar de winkel", such a simple phrase that always seemed to slip your mind! with a sigh you closed your eyes and began to recite your short story that was to be given as an oral presentation. "ik ga naar de winkel. ik zal melk, eieren, sinaasappels en brood kopen. dan ga ik naar huis en maak ik ontbijt. na het ontbijt zal ik voor wiskunde studeren en dan amy bellen" knox approached the door with enthusiasm, he had gone all morning without hearing your voice and seeing your smile. in fact all he wanted to be with you so bad he nearly got hit in the head with a soccer ball while he was daydreaming about you. as your beloved boyfriend came upon the room, you heard his steps but you were too focused to register that it could be him and not his roommate, so you continued with your presentation, "amy en ik zullen praten over onze lessen, vrienden, familie en onze favoriete activiteiten." knox heard your quiet mumbling through the thin doorway and opted out of interrupting you and went with his second option; listening to your voice that sounded like silk dripped in honey. he closed his eyes and pressed his ear against the wood waiting to drink in your words. "na amy en ik praat even, ik ga eten. mijn diner bestaat uit kip, rijst en groenten" you continued to speak the language that you'd grown to love, and smiled with at your successful attempt to ready yourself for the final days of dutch class. knox stood confused trying to figure out what the gibberish meant, he twisted the door handle and opened it to see you intensely glaring at your textbook. he chuckled and made his way over to you. "hello beautiful" he greeted you with a kiss on your cheek. "hi knoxious!" you smirked as you called him by his unfortunate nickname. all he did was send you a playful eye roll, knox then grabbed the book that held your annotations and stared at it in confusion. "what is this y/n?" he asked full of genuine interest, "it's dutch!" you stated excitedly. "dutch? you speak dutch?" he questioned you in complete awe, shocked that you held even more talent than he knew. "well it's my first year taking it but yeah i know a little bit." you replied shyly. "well i think it's great! it's super cute and it's another thing to brag about when i talk about you!" he replied nonchalantly as if you had known about his constant blabber of you and your many appealing qualities. "y-you talk about me?" you asked nearly dumbfounded. "well yeah! i mean why wouldn't i? you're beautiful, smart, talented, caring and that's me being simplistic!" knox spoke with such enthusiasm that it made your heart melt.

a/n: hey everyone!! yay part two of this series is up ahhh! okay so once again if anyone speaks dutch and sees something wrong with it please tell me! i want to respect your language!! also; im so mad omg i had some lovely mutuals help me with translations of other languages and my screenshots got deleted ugh. but anyway i hope you enjoyed this, im such a hoe for cuddly/lovey knox. thank you all so so much for being so kind and patient with my unplanned updates lol. my inbox is always open to chat xx all my love 💗

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