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im sorry this took so long wosjjajq

neil drove to your house with a smile on his face as the cold wind blew through the windows and onto his face. he was excited, to say the least. you and your boy had been planning this date for months and he couldn't wait to see how beautiful you would look surrounded by the sea and the sunset. he pulled his vehicle to a stop and put it in park just inside your driveway. as he got out of his car and basically sprinted towards your front door, you were in your room slipping on your tank top and shorts over your red high waisted bikini that flattered your figure from every angle. the brunette boy knocked on your door as his heart raced at the thought of seeing you once again and smiled to himself while he remembered the last date you went on together. you hurried to the door trying to make sure your sunglasses were in your hand and your shoes were on the right feet. as you swung open the door, neil's smile got wider and his eyes lit up instantly. he soon had you in his arms and planted a soft kiss on each cheek and then your lips. "well hello to you too handsome" you said with a giggle. "hey baby-love" he replied equally as giddy. as he pulled you to the passenger side of the car and opened your door for you, the boy could not take his eyes off you. soon you both were engulfed by the smell of salt water and the cool breeze, neil took your hand and leaned across the armrest that separated the two of you, and gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead. the the quite excitable boy basically jumped out of his car and ran to your side, just to open your door. as you two kicked off your shoes and neil took his top off, as he was already in his swim trunks, you slid your cover-up outfit off and threw it in the car. neil turned to look at you and was simply stunned, by your figure and how well the red looked against your skin tone. he scrambled for his camera he brought and snapped a picture  of you while you were admiring the warm sand and blue sea. hearing the click and whirr of the camera spitting out it's image you turn to see the culprit. "neil!!" you giggle and blush as you call his name. "y/n!!!" he mocks with a smile, "why would you take a picture of me?!" "because lovebug, you look absolutely stunning!" you simply blush and shake your head and the compliment as you take the now fully developed photo from his hand and stare at it. your mouth falls open, because you couldn't believe you looked that beautiful, but neil could and he wouldn't let you forget just how gorgeous you are. placing the camera and picture carefully back in his car, neil locked the vehicle and threw you over his shoulder while he took off running into the water. much to your playful screams of detest he held you close to him just as the wave came up and crashed upon you both. soon you two love birds made your way back to where the light tide crashes. jokes were passed between you and neil, as well as loving glances and the occasional "i love you", holding hands and walking in the soft, damp sand while the waves crashed in a rhythmic and calming way, was all you could've wished for. "hey y/n, look theres an ice cream stand!" neil pointed to a small yellow shack that held a sign painted in black lettering which said "ICE CREAM". "last one there has to go back in the water!" you yelled and took off towards the stand, neil rolled his eyes and ran behind you. soon your boyfriend was inches away from you and then you were over his shoulder. "neil !! neil!! put me down!" you laughed. "no can do princess" he smirked. as he approached the ice cream stand he finally set you down with a kiss on your cheek. an older woman smiled at you and your sweet boy, and asked "what can i get you?" neil looked to the list of flavors and ordered cookies and cream for himself and your favorite flavor for you. as the woman handed you the cones, neil payed and thanked her once again, then headed off in the direction of the car with his hand in yours. you ate your treats in a peaceful silence, as you approached the car neil grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around you to keep you warm. he then, with a knowing smile, took the blanket from you, laid it on your seat and handed you his shirt. after slipping on the comfy t-shirt you climbed into your chair and let neil close the door. he got in the drivers seat, planted a sweet kiss on your lips, started the car and made his way back to your house with his hand on your knee the entire drive there.

a/n yay! omg i love this so much my heart is so full from writing this!! anyway i hope you all enjoyed this sweet little imagine, and feel free to message me about anything! also, if you would like, follow me on insta: @ logannlynne !!

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