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requested by: losersclub13

you had been persuaded in attending a party that chris was throwing, knox had invited the rest of the dead poets, seeing as the boys had never been to a proper party, and neil begged you to come with him. you reluctantly agreed seeing as you didn't want the boys getting into any trouble and you didnt want your boyfriend being swooned over by drunk and hormonal girls. you slipped on a red skirt and a black off the shoulder top that accentuated your figure to the fullest. after placing your hair in your favorite style, you slipped into a pair of white flats and grabbed your clutch. hearing the honk of a car and howling of teen boys you head out the door to reveal the young boys piling out of knox's new car. the boys who were normally dressed in formal attire showed their true colors as the wore casual clothes, each of their styles varying, yet still fitting their personalities completely. you chuckled to yourself as you saw your favorite boy wearing his hair brown hair in its natural, floppy state, jeans that were rolled slightly at the bottom, converse and a red knitted sweater that you had bought him for his birthday. "hi boys!" you giggled as you stuffed yourself into the car and got various replys from greetings to comments about how unusual it was for you to wear a skirt. neil eyed you up and down as if he was seeing you for the first time, "you look absolutely stunning babe" he said. "well, thank you bub, you look amazing as always!" you replied with a blush. knox turned the radio up all the way and hit the gas as he was now determined to see chris and what she was wearing. after exchanging small talk with the boys, having a few laughs here and there, you had made it to the party. it was already in full swing, music blaring couples kissing, and people dancing in every style you could think of. the boys stepped out of the car one by one knox in a black t-shirt, jeans and a flannel, meeks in a black button up with jean shorts rolled up just past his knee cap, pitts in a red and white stripped tee, black pants and jean jacket, and finally todd in a Hawaiian print shirt with black jeans. the boys hurried their way into the house, eager for human interaction outside of welton, while neil stayed by your side. you and your boy strolled in, hands intertwined, looking at all the drunk teens. you looked at neil and laughed at his tense stature as you said "neil you need a drink i'll be right back." with that you kissed his cheek and headed for the kitchen. as you pushed your way through the crowd and into the area filled with booze a pair of unknown eyes followed your figure, once in the kitchen you grabbed a beer and popped the top off, but within seconds it was on the floor as you were pulled into a firm chest. "you know i dont think ive seen you at one of chris's parties before" the tall and extremely intoxicated boy said. "well then you would be right" you snapped at the blonde, he rolled his eyes and put his hand on your waist as he spilled lame attempts at convincing you how much of a man he is. you pushed him away, your eyes met the letterman jacket he was wearing and you huffed, jocks were the worst, they always had something to prove. neil had been standing in a corner watching with amusement and some disgust at the sweaty teens grinding and pulling at each other to the fast beat of a song. he soon grew concerned as he hadn't expected you to take so long just to get a drink, so he made his way to where he had last seen you wander. he turned to the right and his face grew hot as he saw some blonde tugging at your waist, with that he stormed over and practically ripped the boy's hands off you. "don't touch her" he growled maliciously. "hey! calm down i was just flirting!" the jock spoke with a light slur to his words. "well maybe you shouldnt be flirting with a girl who has a boyfriend!" neil countered with even more anger than before, at this point his hand was holding you behind him to keep you as far away from the intoxicated athlete as possible. "whatever" the boy was now annoyed and needed another drink so he stormed to find the closest keg. "are you okay?" your boyfriend turned to you, all malice and anger that was once in his deep brown eyes was now gone and replaced with concern and love. "im fine, just pissed off" you replied with a sigh. neil simply held you close and kissed your cheek while swaying you back and forth, despite the face paced music blasting from the radio.

also!! am i inclusive with my description(s) of the reader as far as race and body type?? because its super important to me that i have representation of different ethnicities, etc. please let me know!!
question: what's something you're proud of that you have done?? (it can be anything from graduating school, to going to the store, or taking your meds)

much love!! xx

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