the boys|prefrence

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they see you dance:
as you reached your arm towards the tall ceiling, breathing hard as your lungs and every other muscle was burning, every movement that you made replayed in your head. the rush of applause filled your ears, followed by the screams and chants of the boys that you cared for with all of your heart. as the stage lights dimmed you stood up and walked off stage to prepare for the group finale. after the blinding lights dimmed for the last time, you walked into the dressing room while celebrating with your fellow dancers. once you had changed your outfit and put on shoes, you stepped out into the main entrance of the building where it was a sea of the dancers and their supporters. struggling to find the boys you stood on your toes, but soon you were in the air. as you yelped neil and the boys laughed, "neil!! oh my god you scared me!" "im sorry cutie, you just did so well i wanted to celebrate you!" he replied with his toothy grin. "yeah absolutely amazing!"charlie practically screamed at you. the boys continued to compliment you and your graceful movements that seemed to make you one with the stage, soon neil pulled you aside while the rest of the group tried to mimic the slick skills of the dancers. "y/n you looked so beautiful up there i couldn't focus on anything or anyone but you!" your cheeks felt hot as you pulled him closer by his tie, "thank you neil, for coming and supporting me" you said as you gently kissed his cheek. "i wouldn't miss it for the world, especially now that i know you look that good when you dance" he giggled.

you had been visiting your father, better known by the boys as mr.Keating. while he taught his abstract lessons, you sat in his office picking your nails, and listening to all that these boys had to say. soon the school day came to an end so you placed a record on the player and let it carry the notes of your favorite song. your father looked up from his desk and smiled, he had introduced you to this song before you could walk and it soon became "your song". he stood and reached his hand toward you, as you grabbed it he spun you into his chest and allowed you to stand on his shoes, something he did from the time you could stand. as you swayed back and forth laughing with the man that raises you, the door creaked open. "oh hey mr.keating, i didnt know you were busy i'll come by later!" a boy said- you thought you heard you dad call him 'mr.dalton' within one of the class periods. your father allowed you to step away from him while he removed the needle from the vinyl, and the music ceased. "no worries mr.dalton! this is my daughter y/n! y/n, this is charlie dalton." the boy-charlie- smiled and reached out to shake your hand. you smiled back and really took in how handsome he truly was, little did you know he thought you looked beautiful when you were swaying and laughing just moments earlier, but now he never wanted to take his eyes off of you.

Welton was about to do something they had never even considered; having a school dance. now the rules were that each boy was permitted to bring any girl they wished as long as everything was strictly monitored by staff, so todd thought that there was no girl better to ask than his best friend which just happened to be you! as you slipped on your heels and let your dress down, floating less than an inch above the floor, the doorbell rang. you rushed downstairs trying to avoid breaking your ankle in the process, to see todd looking insanely handsome in his suit. he looked at you with wide eyes and a slacked jaw but soon corrected himself, and smiled at you. "y/n you look beautiful" "thank you todd, you look wonderful" you two blushed and glanced back and forth with puppy dog eyes the entire "photoshoot" and drive there. once you entered the gates of welton todd led you to where the dance was being held and hesitantly walked with you onto the dance floor. the next song was a slow melody, as you softly placed your hands around todd's neck, he blushed and touched your lower back with a touch as light as air. while the song dragged on todd began to look at you, really look at you, he watched you eyes close and open as you blinked, your dress sway with every turn and how easily you moved with the song. he admired your tender touch and your nimble dance all night long.

it was currently fall break and you were with knox and his family in his cabin as a small vacation. currently you were in the cabin alone as knox went to the library to pick up a book for an assignment that was due after break, and his parents were out to dinner with some friends. you took this as an opportunity to clean and play some music, you turned the radio up just a tad and began to scrub the table. but the beat of the music was too much of a distraction and you broke out into a dance you remembered from when you used to take lessons, however you were oblivious to the fact that knox was standing in the doorway enchanted by the way you moved with such fluidity. when the song ended you giggles to yourself and went back to the table when you were frightened by the sound of clapping. you quickly snapped your head to the door and sighed with relief when you found that it was only knox. "great moves lovebug" he complimented. "thanks baby" you blushed as you kissed his soft cheek. little did you know that after break all he could talk about was how wonderful it was to watch you dance and how much bliss it filled him with!

a/n oh my gosh im so so sorry my imagines are coming but they're taking forever because im going through a rough thing with my family because i was staying with some family members and the things they would say really upset me because of how judgmental they were so im upset because i cant go home rn but anyway i hope you like this! im sorry i didnt do all the boys but i wanted to get this out ASAP because i feel like im leaving you guys without any content ! much love xx

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