the boys|prefrence

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read a/n at the end plz!
how the boys would handle their s/o's insecurities:
-caring and gentle when comforting them
-super understanding
-never disregards the insecurities by saying "you shouldn't be insecure because you're beautiful!" or something like that
-makes sure that you're aware you are beautiful but that its okay that you're insecure
-always keeps your insecurities in mind!
-shares his so you feel less alone
-tells you what he loves about your insecurities
-overall isn't judgmental of your insecurities and makes you feel loved while also making sure you understand there's nothing wrong with insecurities!

-tries to help you overcome your insecurities
-makes it known that you shouldn't give a shit about what people think, including him
-makes sure that you know he thinks you're beautiful and none of these insecurities are things he sees wrong with you
-like neil makes you understand its okay to have these insecurities
-if it's a physical insecurity he traces them or kisses them etc.
-if it's more of an insecurity that has to do with your personality or someone non-physical he writes down everything he loves about your personality, and mindset,etc
-he does a great job of comforting you and lets you rant about your insecurities before holding you tight and telling you everything is okay and that he loves you

-knows exactly how you feel
-shares his insecurities too
-you two have rant sessions about these insecurities
-then you spend time comforting each other and this takes your mind off of your own insecurities
-helps you learn to not care about others opinions
-you do the same for him
-honestly you two have such and supportive and healthy relationship its so good for your self esteem
-kisses when you're down
-just super supportive and healthy for you

-feels terrible that you feel this way
-like the other boys makes you understand you shouldn't care about others
-although he hates that you feel this way, he does want you to know there's nothing wrong with feeling this way
-tries to keep a balance between helping you build your confidence while also avoiding shaming your insecurities
-big hugs and cuddles when you're insecurities get too much
-writes poems about you when you're sad
-constantly tells you how much he loves you

-honestly has no idea how to handle it at first
-this results in your anguish because it felt even more true as he stood there in confusion
-after a couple of days of ignoring him because of how you felt the last time he saw you he ran up to you and engulfed you
-he apologizes and explains that you're an amazing person and that he didn't know what to do
-you soon told him how you liked to be treated when these thoughts plagued your mind
-he vowed to follow these directions to a T
-and meeks being the over achiever he is, he mastered his comforting skills and was soon able to disperse your ill self-thoughts with a kiss and a few truthful words
-all in all meeks follows directions perfectly

-pitts is THE BEST at comforting you
-big hugs
-sweet kisses
-wipes your tears of any fall
-tells you everything will be okay
-helps you learn to conquer these insecurities
-like the other boys, makes sure you know its okay to have these insecurities
-tells you how beautiful you are and what an amazing person you are
-so kind
-such a softie

a/n im sorry these are kinda repetitive but i feel like they would all have similar ways of helping you. also no matter what your insecurities may be its OKAY to have them!! but remember you are all beautiful and amazing people and you deserve happiness!! anyway would any of you be interested in like a roleplay gc? like playing out how the boys would interact with us in certain situations? if you're interested i'll explain more if you dm me :☺️ xx

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